
知识类型: 析出资源
内容出处: 《巴音郭楞蒙古自治州志(上)》 图书
唯一号: 320020020210010587
颗粒名称: 目录
页数: 64
页码: 1-64


  巴音郭楞蒙古自治州行政区划图 Admonistrative Division map of Bayinggoleng Mongolian Autonomous prefacture
  巴音郭楞蒙古自治州地形图 Topography map of Bayinggoleng Mongolian Autonomus prefecture
  彩 页 Color photography
  序 一 Preface Ⅰ1
  序 二 Preface Ⅱ3
  凡 例 Notes on the of the Book1
  概 述 Introduction2
  第一卷 建 置 The Founding and the Administrative Organization
  第一章 境域区划 Geographicl Evolution in Boundaries and the Administrative Subadivisions37
  第一节 位置面积 Position and Area37
  第二节 境域变迁 The Change of Realm37
  第三节 行政区划 The Administrative subdivisions38
  第二章 建置沿革 History of the Founding and the Administrative organization39
  第一节 两汉至明代时期建置 Administrative organization From the former Han and Later Han Down to the Ming Dynasty39
  第二节 清代至民国时期建置 Administrative organization From the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China40
  第三节 中华人民共和国时期建置 The Administrative organization Since the founding of The People's Republic of China41
  第三章 市县概况 A brief Introduction to Counties and Cities42
  第一节 库尔勒市 City of Kurle42
  第二节 焉耆回族自治县 The Hui—Nationality Autonomous County of Yan Qi44
  第三节 和静县 The He Qin County46
  第四节 和硕县 The He Shuo County48
  第五节 博湖县 The Bo Hu County49
  第六节 轮台县 The Lun Tai County51
  第七节 尉犁县 The Yu Li County52
  第八节 若羌县 The Ruo Qiang County54
  第九节 且末县 The Que Mo County55
  第一章 地 质 Geology 59
  第一节 地 层 Layer59
  第二节 侵入岩 Intrusive Rock60
  第三节 构 造 Structure60
  第二章 地 貌 Landforms62
  第一节 天山山地及山间盆地 The Mountain Region of Tian Shan and its Basin62
  第二节 塔里木盆地东部 The Eastern Part of Tarim Basin64
  第三节 东昆仑山—阿尔金山山地 The Eastern Kun Lun—Altun Mountain66
  第三章 水 系 The Glacial River Course67
  第一节 冰 川 Glaciers67
  第二节 河 流 Rivers67
  第三节 湖 泊 Lakes68
  第四章 气 候 Climate70
  第一节 光 能 Light Energy70
  第二节 温 度 Temperature72
  第三节 降水与蒸发 Precipitation and Evaporation78
  第四节 风 Wind80
  第五节 气候分区 The climatical Zones82
  第六节 气象谚语 Common sayings about the wether84
  第五章 自然资源 Natural Resources86
  第一节 水资源 Water Resources86
  第二节 土地资源 Land Resources86
  第三节 野生动植物资源 Resouces of Wild Animals and Plants87
  第四节 矿藏资源 Mineral Resources90
  第六章 自然灾害 Natural Disasters96
  第一节 干 旱 Drought96
  第二节 干热风 Dry—Hot wind97
  第三节 霜 冻 Frost97
  第四节 大风和风沙 Gale and Sand storm98
  第五节 寒 潮 Cold Wave100
  第六节 冻 害 Freeze Injury101
  第七节 冷 害 Cold Injury102
  第八节 暴雨和洪灾 Rainstorm and Flood103
  第九节 地 震 Earthquake105
  第十节 其他灾害 Other Calamities106
  第一章 自然地理 Natural Geography 111
  第一节 位置面积 Position and Area111
  第二节 地质构造 The Structure of Geology111
  第三节 地 貌 Landforms113
  第四节 河流湖泊 Rivers and Lakes114
  第五节 气 候 Climate116
  第六节 土 壤 Soil116
  第二章 保护区资源 Resources of Natural Protective Region117
  第一节 野生植物资源 Resources of wild plants117
  第二节 野生动物资源 The Resources of wild Animals123
  第三节 矿藏资源 The Mineral Resources125
  第三章 文物古迹 The Cultural Relics and Historical Sites126
  第一节 东昆仑古代石器制造场 Ancient site for the stone tools making in the Eastern Part of KunLun Moutain126
  第二节 古石刻佛经遗址 The Vestiges of Palaeolithic Age of Ancient stone cavving a Buddhist Scripture 126
  第四章 野骆驼自然保护区 The Natural Protective Region of Wild comels128
  第一节 保护区的自然环境 The Natural Environment of the Protective Region128
  第二节 保护区的建立 The Establishment of the Protective Region128
  第五章 管理机构和措施 The Management and Measures adopted129
  第一节 机构设置 The Establishment of Organizations129
  第二节 管理措施 The Management Measures129
  第一章 自然环境 The Natural Environment 133
  第一节 位置面积 Position and Area133
  第二节 地质地貌 Geology and Landforms133
  第三节 草原气候 The Climate of Grass Land135
  第四节 自然灾害 The Natural Calamities136
  第二章 巴音布鲁克沿革 The Evolution of Bayingbluk138
  第一节 历代概况 General Condition in Different Dynasties138
  第二节 镇乡及主要牧场 Townships and Main pastures139
  第三章 草原资源 The Grassland resources141
  第一节 牧草资源 The Fodder Grass Resources141
  第二节 牲畜资源 The Resources of Animal Husbandry142
  第三节 林木资源 The Woods Resources143
  第四节 矿藏资源 The Mineral Resources144
  第五节 药材资源 Medicinal Material Resources144
  第六节 其他资源 Other Resources144
  第四章 名胜古迹 Scenic Spots and Historical sites146
  第一节 奎克乌苏石林 The Guikwusu Stone Forest146
  第二节 天鹅湖 The Swan Lake146
  第三节 阿尔先温泉 The Hot Spring of Alzian146
  第四节 浩腾萨拉瀑布 The Haotunsara Waterfall147
  第五节 莫随图石碑 The Stone Tablet of Mosuitu147
  第六节 巴音苏门乃库热(庙) Bayingsumennaikure Temple147
  第五卷 博斯腾湖 THE BOSTUN LAKE
  第一章 位置面积 Position and Area 151
  第二章 湖的成因和湖水补给 The taking shape of the Lake and its compensation of inlet water 152
  第一节 湖的成因 Resoreces the taking shape of the Lake152
  第二节 湖水补给 Its compensation of inlet water152
  第三章 湖水水域 Water area153
  第一节 大 湖 The great lake153
  第二节 小湖群 The lakelet groups153
  第四章 湖水变化 Change of Lake Water155
  第一节 水面水位变化 Annualvariation of water level155
  第二节 水质变化 Water quality155
  第五章 湖体效应 The Effect of Lake Bady160
  第一节 气候变化 Change of climtical160
  第二节 湖陆风 The wind of lake and land161
  第三节 对湖区经济的影响 The Affect one's economy of lake area161
  第六章 湖区资源 The Resources of Lake area163
  第一节 渔业资源 The fishing Resources163
  第二节 芦苇资源 The Reeds Resources166
  第三节 其他动植物资源 The Resources of other Animals and Plants169
  第四节 草场资源 The Resources of Grass fields170
  第五节 土地资源 Land Resources170
  第六节 湖滨矿产资源 The Minerals Resowces along the Lake bank171
  第七节 旅游资源 The Resource of Tourism172
  第七章 湖区地貌气候灾害174
  第一节 湖区地貌 the land forms of Lake area174
  第二节 湖区气候 The climate of Lake area175
  第三节 湖区灾害 The calamities of Lake area179
  第八章 湖区治理 harness of Lake area181
  第一节 治理方案 Scheme of Harness181
  第二节 扬水站 Lift pumpings station182
  第三节 宝浪苏木分水枢纽 Bifurcation gate of Balangsumu182
  第九章 湖区管理 The management of the Lake area183
  第一节 管理机构 The rganizations of Management183
  第二节 渔业管理 The Management of Fishing183
  第三节 苇产管理 The Management of Reed Products183
  第一章 楼兰考察与研究 The Investigation and Research of Loulan187
  第一节 历次考察概况 Rrief Introduction to Explorations in the Past187
  第二节 楼兰名称释义 Explanation the Term—Loulan188
  第三节 古代楼兰人种 The Ancient Loulan Race189
  第二章 楼兰遗址和楼兰区域 The Ruins of Loulan and the Loulan Area191
  第一节 城区位置与结构 The Position the city of Loulan and Its Building Structure 191
  第二节 楼兰郊区遗迹 The ruins of Loulan Suburb193
  第三章 楼兰古绿洲 The Ancient Oasis of Loulan195
  第一节 楼兰古绿洲的形成 The Formation of the Oasis of Loulan195
  第二节 楼兰古绿洲的发展 The Development of Loulan Oasis196
  第三节 楼兰古绿洲的废弃 The Abandonment of Ancient Loulan196
  第四章 罗布泊 Lake Lop—nor198
  第一节 罗布洼地 The Depression of Lop—nor198
  第二节 罗布泊的变迁 The Change of Lop—nor199
  第三节 楼兰及罗布泊周围动植物 The Animds—Plants Around Loulan and Lopnor 202
  第五章 楼兰要道 The Important Highways of Loulan203
  第一节 楼兰道地理条件 The Geographical priorities of the Loulan Highway 203
  第二节 楼兰道兴衰 The thriving and declining of the Loulan Highway203
  第三节 吐谷浑道和吐蕃道 The Roads of Tuyu Hui and Tubo(Tibetan)204
  第四节 交通储运中心居卢仓 A Central Julu Barn the center of communication 205
  第六章 楼兰的经济文化 The Economy and Culture of Loulan206
  第一节 汉通西域前的经济文化 The Economy and Culture Before the opening of the westborderland the way ro the west Region in Han Dynasty206
  第二节 两汉时期的经济文化 Economy and Culture During the of West and East Han Dynasties 207
  第三节 魏晋时期的经济文化 Economy and Culture in both Wei and Jin Dynasties 208
  第七章 楼兰的政治军事 Politics and Military of Loulan210
  第一节 两汉时期楼兰与汉朝和匈奴的关系 The Triangle Relation ships Loulan Han and Xiong Nu During the Han Dynasty210
  第二节 魏晋时期楼兰的西域长史 The Permanent Envoy(Changshi)of the west Region the Highest Officer Appointed During Wei—Jin Dynasties212
  第三节 鄯善国统治楼兰 Loulans was once Ruled by the Shan Shan Kingdown213
  第四节 前凉时期西域长史 The Permanent Envoy of the West Region During Qian—Liang Dynasty 213
  第八章 楼兰出土文书和其他文物 The Unearthed Documents other ancient Relics and Historical Sites of Loulan 214
  第一节 汉文简牍 The Chinese—Inscribed Bamboo Slips214
  第二节 佉卢文简牍 Inscribed Wooden Slips in the Qulu Language216
  第三节 吐蕃文书 The Tu bo(Tibe tan)Documents219
  第四节 出土其他文物 The Other Unearthed Relics219
  第七卷 人 口 POPULATION
  第一章 人口数量与分布 Population and its distribution225
  第一节 中华民国及以前历代人口 The Population before the Republic of China225
  第二节 中华人民共和国时期人口总量及变动 The total Population and Altera—tion In The People's Repubic of China227
  第三节 人口分布及密度 The Distribution and Density of Population230
  第二章 人口构成 The Constituents of Population232
  第一节 性别构成 Different of Sex232
  第二节 年龄构成 Different Ages234
  第三节 民族构成 Different Nationalities235
  第四节 文化构成 Different Culture236
  第五节 职业构成 Different Profession237
  第六节 城乡构成 Town versus country side238
  第三章 人口普查 Census241
  第一节 第一次全国人口普查 The First National Census241
  第二节 第二次全国人口普查 The Second National Census241
  第三节 第三次全国人口普查 Teh third National Census241
  第四节 第四次全国人口普查 The 4th National Census242
  第四章 计划生育 Family Planning243
  第一节 人口规划与统计 The Plan and Statistics of Population243
  第二节 计划生育管理 The Controlling of Family Planning244
  第三节 节育技术服务 The Technical Service for birth control245
  第五章 机构队伍 Organizations and work teams 247
  第八卷 民 族 Nationality
  第一章 蒙古族 The Mongol 251
  第一节 卫拉特源流 The Origin and Development of the Weilate Tribe251
  第二节 土尔扈特远牧归来 The Returned Nomadizing Turfute From the Re—mote Place 252
  第三节 游牧珠勒图斯的土尔扈特和硕特 The Returned Nomadizing Turfute and He Shuo Te Tribes Nomadizing in the Zhuletushi Grass land255
  第四节 政治经济生活 Politics and Economy257
  第五节 语言文字 Language and Writing259
  第六节 风俗习惯 Customs260
  第二章 维吾尔族 Uighur264
  第一节 源流历史 Origin and Development of History264
  第二节 经济生活 The Economy Life265
  第三节 语言文字 Language and Writing267
  第四节 风俗习惯 Traditions and Customs269
  第三章 回 族 Huizu272
  第一节 历史源流 Origin and Development of History272
  第二节 经济生活 The Economical Life273
  第三节 语言文字 Language and Writing274
  第四节 风俗习惯 Customs and Traditions274
  第四章 藏 族 The Tibetan276
  第一节 迁入经过 The Caurse of Moving into This Land276
  第二节 经济生活 The Economical Life276
  第三节 语言文字 Language and Writing277
  第四节 风俗习惯 Traditions and Customs277
  第五章 哈萨克族 Kazak279
  第六章 汉 族 Han Zu280
  第一节 迁入史 The History of Moving into This land280
  第二节 经济生活 Economy Life281
  第三节 语言文字 Language and Writing282
  第四节 风俗习惯 Customs and Traditions282
  第七章 其他民族 The others National284
  第八章 民族区域自治 Regional national Autonomyity285
  第九章 民族工作机构和事务 Nationalities Organizations and its Affairs287
  第一节 民族工作机构 The Organizations287
  第二节 民族事务 The Nationalities Affairs287
  第三节 整理出版少数民族文献资料 Collecting and Publishing the Literature and Historical Data of the Minority Nationalities288
  第十章 民族关系 The Interracial Relationships289
  第一节 民国前民族关系 The Interracial Relationships before the Republic of China289
  第二节 新型民族关系 The New Type Interracial Relationship289
  第三节 民族团结事例 The Examples of the unity and Solidarity Between all the Nationalities290
  第九卷 宗 教 RELIGION
  第一章 古代宗教 The Ancient Religion 297
  第一节 原始宗教 The Primitive Religion297
  第二节 萨满教 Shamanism297
  第三节 袄 教 Zoroastrianism298
  第四节 摩尼教 Manichaeism298
  第二章 喇嘛教 Lamaism299
  第一节 喇嘛教传入前的巴州佛教 The Buddhism Prevailing before the Lam—aism being Introduced into this land 299
  第二节 喇嘛教的传入与发展 the Lamaism Intraduced and Developed299
  第三节 经典文书 Scriptures and Documents302
  第四节 喇嘛教人士 The Missionaries of Lamaism303
  第五节 喇嘛庙 The Lamaistic Temples306
  第六节 喇嘛教节日 The Lamaist Festival308
  第三章 伊斯兰教 Islam309
  第一节 伊斯兰教传入与传播 Dissemination and Propaganda of Islam309
  第二节 经典文书 Scriptures and Documents310
  第三节 教 派 The Sects of Religion310
  第四节 教徒功修 Doing Charitables and Pious deeds for the Islam followers of Islam 311
  第五节 伊斯兰教人士 The Missionaries of Islamism311
  第六节 清真寺 The Mosque313
  第七节 伊斯兰教节日 The Festival of Islamism314
  第四章 宗教组织 Religious Organization 316
  第一节 佛教协会 The Buddhist Association316
  第二节 伊斯兰教协会 The Islamist Association316
  第五章 宗教事务管理 Management of Religious Affairs317
  第一节 机构人员 The Organizations and Personnel317
  第二节 宗教管理 The Management of Religious Affairs317
  第一章 土地制度及生产关系变革 System of Land Ownership and the Changes of Relationsof Production 322
  第一节 封建土地私有制 The Feudal Private Ownership of land322
  第二节 农民个体所有制 The Individual Ownership of Land by peasants323
  第三节 集体所有制 The Collective Ownership324
  第二章 农业分区 The Different of Agricultural Regions327
  第一节 农业区域化形成与发展The Making and Development of Regionalization327
  第二节 种植业分区 The Differentiation of Planting327
  第三章 农作物 The Crops329
  第一节 种植结构 The Structurc of Planting329
  第二节 粮食作物 The Grain Crops329
  第三节 经济作物 The Industrial Crops333
  第四节 西瓜甜瓜 WaterMelon and Musk337
  第五节 蔬 菜 The Vegetables337
  第四章 农艺农技 Agronomy and Agricultural Science and Farming Techniques340
  第一节 土壤改良 Soil Improvement340
  第二节 耕作制度 Improvement of Farming Methods343
  第三节 新技术引进和推广 Introducing and Popularization of the New Tech—nology 345
  第五章 种 子 Seeds346
  第一节 农家品种 Seeds from the Peasant Family346
  第二节 良种引进 Introduction of the Tmproved variety of Seed346
  第三节 良种选育 Selection and Breeding of the Improved Seeds349
  第四节 良种繁育与推广 Breeding and Popularization of the Better Strains of Seed 350
  第五节 种子标准化 The Standardization of Seeds351
  第六节 种子经营 The Management of Seeds351
  第六章 作物保护 The Protection of Crops 353
  第一节 病害及防治 The Prevention and Cure of Plant Diseases353
  第二节 虫害及防治 The Prevention and Cure of Insect Pest353
  第三节 草害及其防治 The Prevention and Cure of Grass Diseases355
  第四节 病虫害预测预报与植物检疫 Forecasting of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests and Plant Quarantine355
  第七章 果 树 Pomiculture356
  第一节 果树栽培历史 The History of Fruit growing356
  第二节 果树分区 Differentiation of Fruit Trees357
  第三节 果树栽培 Cultivation of Fruit Trees358
  第四节 果品贮藏与加工 Preserving and Processing of the Fruit361
  第八章 养蚕养蜂业 Secriculture and Apiculture363
  第一节 养蚕业 The Sericulture363
  第二节 养蜂业 The Apiculture364
  第九章 地方国营农场 The State Farm Run by the local Administrative366
  第一节 农场发展概况 The General Condition of Development366
  第二节 农场简介 A Brief Introauction to Farms366
  第十章 农业管理机构 Admonostrative Organizations for Agriculture369
  第十一卷 库尔勒香梨 THE PEARS OF KURLE
  第一章 香梨栽培概况 The Growing of Pears 373
  第一节 香梨栽培史 The History of Pears planting373
  第二节 香梨区域化栽培 The Regionalizing Planting of Pears375
  第三节 香梨基地建设 The Basic Places Built up for Peargrowing376
  第二章 梨园建设 The Construction of the Pear Orchard377
  第一节 园址选择 The Choosing of the Location of the Orchard377
  第二节 育 苗 Seedling Cultivation377
  第三节 果园定植 Field planting in the Orchard378
  第四节 沙依东园艺场 Sayidong Horticultural Site378
  第三章 梨园管理 Administration of the Orchard380
  第一节 土壤耕作 Soil Tilling380
  第二节 土壤培肥 Soil Manuring380
  第三节 梨园施肥 Spread Manure in the Pear field381
  第四节 灌 水 Irrigation382
  第五节 香梨的整形修剪 Training and Pruning382
  第六节 新技术的研究与推广 Research and Popularization of New Technology383
  第四章 香梨优选与品种改良 Cultivating the Best Variety of Pear385
  第一节 香梨单株优选 Choosing by of a Single Sapling385
  第二节 芽变选种 Choosing From the Bud Mutation385
  第三节 芽变育种 Breeding Through the Bud Mutation386
  第五章 香梨贮藏与购销 Preserving and Buying and Selling387
  第一节 香梨贮藏 Preserving of Pears387
  第二节 香梨购销 Buying and Selling of Pears388
  第六章 香梨自然灾害与病虫害防治 The Prevention and Cure of natural Hazards,Inset Pest and Plant Diseases 389
  第一节 冻害风灾 Freezing Injury and Windstorm389
  第二节 虫害及其防治 The Prevention and Cure of Insect Pest389
  第三节 香梨病害防治 The Prevention Cure of Plant Diseases390
  附 录: 香梨品种种源问题的探讨 Appendix:We Probe into the Resource of Breeds of the Pear 391
  第十二卷 林 业 THE FORESTRY
  第一章 天然森林 The Natural Woods 397
  第一节 胡杨林 Compound Leaved Poplar Woods397
  第二节 荒漠灌木林 The Bush Woods of Wild Desert399
  第三节 云杉林 The Dragon Spruce Woods400
  第四节 河谷林 The Valley Woods401
  第二章 人工林 The Artifical Woods402
  第一节 防护林 Shelter Belt Forest402
  第二节 用材林 The Woods Used for People forest For Timber Producing403
  第三节 薪炭林 Woods Used for Fueling404
  第四节 经济林 Forest of Economic Value Shelter Belt405
  第五节 三北防护林 Shan Bai Shelter Belt405
  第三章 造林方式 The Methods of Afforestation408
  第一节 全民义务植树 The National Voluntary Planting of Trees408
  第二节 营造国有林 Woods of National Ownership408
  第三节 营造集体林 Woods of the Collective Ownership409
  第四节 个体造林 The Woods of Private Ownership410
  第五节 庭院绿化 Afforestation of the Court Yard411
  第四章 树 种 Trees Planting412
  第一节 乔木树种 Arbor Planting 412
  第二节 灌木树种 Bush Planting415
  第五章 育苗与采种 Growing and Selecting of seedlings and Saplings416
  第一节 育 苗 Seedlings Growing416
  第二节 采 种 Selecting418
  第六章 森林管护 Management and Protection of the Forest420
  第一节 林木病虫害防治 The Prevention and Cure of Diseases and Insect Pest in the Woods 420
  第二节 森林防火 To Prevent Forest Fires421
  第三节 野生动物保护 The Protection of Wild Animals422
  第四节 森林管理 Administration work of the Woods423
  第七章 森林工业 Woods Industry426
  第一节 木材采伐 The Felling and Lumbering426
  第二节 木材加工 The Processing of Timber427
  第三节 木材经销 Timber sale427
  第八章 林业资金 The Funds of Forestry429
  第一节 林业基建投资 The Investment on the Capital Construction429
  第二节 固定资金 The Fixed Capital430
  第三节 流动资金 Circulation Capital430
  第四节 利 税 Profits and Taxes431
  第九章 林业机构与队伍 Organizations and the Force432
  第一节 林业机构 Organizations432
  第二节 国营林场 The State Run Forest Farm433
  第三节 林业队伍 The Rank Forest Force433
  第十三卷 畜 牧 Animal Husbandry
  第一章 生产体制 The System of Prouction 438
  第一节 个体畜牧业 Animal Husbandry by individual Households438
  第二节 集体畜牧业 Animal Husbandry of Collective438
  第三节 国营畜牧业 The Animal Husbandry by the State Breeding430
  第二章 草 场 The Grass Land440
  第一节 天然草场 The Natural Grass Land440
  第二节 草场建设 The Construction of Grass Land442
  第三节 牧草品种 Kinds of the Pasture Grass442
  第四节 草场管理 The Management of the Grass Land443
  第五节 饲 料 The Fodder 444
  第六节 饲草加工 The Processing of the Grass and Fodder446
  第三章 牧 区 The Pasture Area447
  第一节 北部山地草原牧区 The Grass Land Area in the Northern Mountaine—ous Region 447
  第二节 焉耆盆地牧区 The Pasture Area in YanQi Basin447
  第三节 塔里木河孔雀河平原牧区 The Pasture Area on the Plain of Both Tarim and Peacock River 448
  第四节 昆仑山北部阿尔金山草原牧区 The Pasture Area in the Altun Mt of the Northern Part of Kunlun Mt 448
  第五节 塔里木盆地东部农区牧区 The Agricultrual Pasture in the Eastern Part of the Tarim Basin 449
  第六节 城郊牧业区 The Animal Husbandry Area in the Suburbs449
  第四章 畜禽品种 Kinds of Animal Huspandry and Porltry Farming450
  第一节 焉耆马 Yan Qi Horses450
  第二节 羊 Sheep451
  第三节 牛 Cattle452
  第四节 毛驴骆驼 Donkeys and Camels453
  第五节 猪 Pigs454
  第六节 马 鹿 Deers454
  第七节 家 禽 Poultries455
  第八节 畜种结构 The Composition of Animal455
  第五章 畜牧业生产 The Production in Animal Husbandry457
  第一节 畜禽生产 The Production of Poultry Farming457
  第二节 生产母畜 The female Animal Producing457
  第三节 畜群周转 The Potation of Animal Groups458
  第四节 牲畜饲养 Livestock Breeding460
  第五节 畜产品 Live stock Products462
  第六节 牧业产值与牧民收入 The Output Value of Animal Husbandry and the Average income of the Heredsman 463
  第六章 畜禽改良 To Improve Breeds of Domestic Animals and Fowls464
  第一节 绵羊改良 Breed Improvement of the Sheep464
  第二节 山羊改良 Breed Improvement of the Goats466
  第三节 黄牛改良 Breed Improvement of the Cattle466
  第四节 马改良 Breed Improvement of the Horses467
  第五节 猪改良 Breed Improvement of the Pigs467
  第六节 家禽改良 Improve the poultries468
  第七章 畜禽疫病防治 The Prevention and cure of Animal Diseases and the Fowl Plague 469
  第一节 畜禽传染病防治 The Prevention and Cure of the Fowl Pest469
  第二节 畜禽寄生虫病防治 The Prevention and Cure of Parastic Poultry Disease474
  第三节 牲畜中毒防治 The Prevention and Cure the Poisoning of the livestock476
  第八章 牧业灾害 The Calamities in Animal Husbandry478
  第一节 旱 灾 Drought478
  第二节 雪 灾 Snow478
  第三节 风 灾 Wind479
  第四节 洪 灾 Flood479
  第五节 火 灾 Fire480
  第六节 蝗灾与鼠害 Plague of Locusts and Mouse Harm480
  第七节 狼 害 Wolf Harm481
  第八节 抗灾保畜 To fight Against Calamities and Keep Domestic Animals from Being Killed 482
  第九章 畜牧管理机构 The Administrative Organizationsof Animal Husbandry483
  第一章 水 系 River System 487
  第一节 开都河与孔雀河 The KaiDu River and the Peacock River487
  第二节 塔里木河 The Tarim River488
  第三节 车尔臣河 The Cerchen River489
  第四节 迪那河 The Dina River490
  第五节 其他河系 Other of River Systems490
  第二章 水 文 Hydrology492
  第一节 水 情 Water Condition492
  第二节 水文测报 Hydrological Forecast493
  第三章 水利工程 Water Conservancy Project495
  第一节 引水工程 Diversion Work495
  第二节 田间灌溉工程 The Irrigation Projects in the Fields504
  第三节 拦河工程 Dam Project505
  第四节 蓄水工程 Water Storage Project507
  第五节 扬水工程 Pumping Project509
  第六节 排水工程 Drainage Works509
  第七节 地下水利用工程 Ground Water Utilized Works511
  第八节 防病改水工程 The Project of Preventing Diseases and Improving Water512
  第九节 牧区水利工程 The Water Conserrancy Project in the Pasture Area512
  第四章 水利管理 The Administration of water Conserrancy514
  第一节 工程管理 Administration for Projects514
  第二节 灌溉管理 Administration for Jrrigation515
  第三节 水费征收 Water Fare Collecting516
  第四节 资金筹集和使用 To Raise Funds and Make use of It517
  第五章 防洪抗旱 Prevend Flood Prevention and drought Resisting518
  第一节 防洪工程 Flood Control Works518
  第二节 洪灾与抢险 Flood Prevention and Rushing to Deal with an Emergency519
  第三节 防旱抗旱 Drought Prevention and Resisting521
  第六章 水 产 Aquatic Products522
  第一节 资 源 Resources522
  第二节 渔 业 Fishings522
  第三节 麝鼠水貂 Muskrat and Minks525
  第四节 水产管理 Administration of Aquatic Products525
  第七章 水利机构 Irrigation Organizations526
  第一节 机构沿革 History of the Admonostrative Organizations526
  第二节 职工队伍 Staff—Workers527
  第一章 手工农具 Agricultural tools by hand 531
  第一节 整地手工农具 Handwork tools for leveling fields531
  第二节 播种与田管手工农具 Seeding Implements and Other Farm Implements by hand 531
  第三节 收割手工农具 Hand—operated Tools for flailing532
  第四节 脱粒手工农具 Hand—operated tools for threshing532
  第二章 畜力农具 Animal—drawn Farm Implements533
  第一节 整地畜力农具 Animal—Drawn Farm Implements for Leveling Fields533
  第二节 播种与田管畜力农具 Animal—Drawn Farm Implements for Sowing and Other Farming Work 533
  第三节 收割与脱粒畜力农具 Animal—Drawn Farm Implements for Harves—ting and Threshing 534
  第四节 打草畜力农具 Animal—Drawn Farm Implements for Hey gathering534
  第三章 农业机械 Agricultural Machinery536
  第一节 拖拉机 Tractors536
  第二节 耕作机械 Farming Machinery 537
  第三节 播种机械 Seeding—Machinery538
  第四节 田管与植保机械 Equipment for Plant Protection and Field Managem—ent Machinery 538
  第五节 排灌机械 Drainage and Irrigation Machinery539
  第六节 收获与脱粒机械 Harvest and Threshing Machinery539
  第七节 农产品加工机械 Processing Machinery for Agricultural Products540
  第八节 农田基本建设机械 Field Capital Construction Machinery541
  第四章 畜牧林渔机械 Equipment for Forestry Fishing and live stock Raising542
  第一节 畜牧机械 The Machinery for Livestock Raising542
  第二节 林渔机械 Machinery for Fishing and Horest542
  第五章 农牧机械化水平 The Agricultural Mechanization Level544
  第一节 装备水平 Equipment Level544
  第二节 作业水平 Farm Working545
  第三节 农机经营水平 Management Level of Agricultrual Machinery546
  第四节 航空作业 Aerial Work546
  第六章 农机推广应用 Popular application of the Farm Machinery548
  第一节 畜力农具推广应用 Further Popularizing the use of Animd—Drawn Farm Tools 548
  第二节 农业机械推广应用 Further Popularizing Applieation of the Agricult—ural Machinery 548
  第三节 牧业机械推广应用 Further Popularizing Appliamtion of the Pasture Machinery 549
  第七章 农机具修理 Repairing of Farm Implements551
  第一节 修理网点 Repairing Network and Spots551
  第二节 修理经营 Management of the Repairing Work551
  第八章 农机安全监理 Safety—operating Supervision of Farm Machinery553
  第一节 农机监理 The Supervision of Agricultural Machinery553
  第二节 安全监理 Safety Supervision553
  第九章 农机资金 Funds for farm Machinery555
  第一节 固定资金 Fixed Funds555
  第二节 农机购销资金 Buying—Selling Funds for Agricultural Machinery555
  第三节 农机拨贷资金 Allocation Loan Funds for Farm Machinery556
  第十章 农机人员培训 Agro—technicians Training558
  第一节 农机干部培训 Cadres—Training for Agricultural Machinery558
  第二节 农机手培训 Technicians and Workers Training558
  第十一章 机构队伍 Organizations and Personnd559
  第一节 农机机构 of Agricultural Organizations559
  第二节 农机队伍 The Agricultural Machinery Force560
  第一章 两汉至民国时期屯垦 Troops Settlad Down to pen up wasteladn from West—East Han to Dynasties the Republic of China563
  第一节 两汉屯垦 Troops Settled Down to open up Wasteland in West—East Han Dynasties 563
  第二节 魏晋至元代屯垦 Troops Settled Down to open up Wasteland From Wei—Jin to Yuan Dynasties564
  第三节 清代屯垦 Troops Stationed Down to open up Wasteand in the Qing Dynasty 565
  第四节 民国时期屯垦 Troops Stationed to open up Wasteland in the period of the Republic of China 567
  第二章 农二师 The Second Agricultural Division568
  第一节 农二师建制 The Founding and the Adninistrative organization of the prefecture of The Second Agricultural Division568
  第二节 经济综述 A Summary of Economy569
  第三节 垦区开发与分布 Development and distribution of the Reclamavim Area571
  第四节 农 业 Agriculture573
  第五节 林业园艺 The Forestry and the Orchard579
  第六节 畜牧业 The animal Husbandry582
  第七节 农业机械化 Mechanization in Agriculture583
  第十七卷 工 业 INDUSTRY
  第一章 工业体制 Industry System 590
  第一节 国营工业 Industries of the State Owned590
  第二节 集体工业 Industries Collective owned591
  第三节 私营工业 Industries Private owned592
  第二章 轻工业 Light Industry594
  第一节 纺织工业 Spinning and Wearing Industry594
  第二节 造纸工业 Papermaking Industry595
  第三节 印 刷 Printing596
  第四节 皮毛加工 Skin—Fur Processing 597
  第五节 食品工业 Food Industry598
  第三章 重工业 Heavy Industry601
  第一节 煤炭工业 Coal Industry601
  第二节 采矿工业 Minning Industry602
  第三节 冶金工业 Metallurgical Industry603
  第四节 机械电子工业 Machanic—Electron Industry605
  第五节 化学工业 Chemical Industry606
  第六节 建材工业 Building—Material Industry607
  第四章 州属重点企业简介 Brief—introduction to the Key Enterprises609
  第一节 巴州煤矿 The Coal Mine of Ba Zhou609
  第二节 钢铁厂 The Iron—Steel Factory of Ba Zhou609
  第三节 巴州水泥厂 Teh Cement Plant of Ba Zhou611
  第四节 巴州手扶拖拉机厂 The Walking Tractor Factory of Ba Zhou611
  第五节 新疆红旗机器厂 The Red flag Machinery factory of XinJiang612
  第六节 新疆前进机器厂 The Advanced Machinery Factory of Xinjiang612
  第七节 新疆工具模具厂 Tool—Mould Factory of XinJiang613
  第八节 新疆红光无线电厂 Red—Light Wireless Factory of XinJiang613
  第九节 纺织厂 Spinning—Weaving Enterprise614
  第十节 造纸厂 Paper—making Factory615
  第十一节 巴州皮毛制品厂 Skin—Fur Product Mill of Ba Zhou615
  第十二节 巴州果酒罐头厂 Fruit—Wine Tinning Factory of Ba Zhou615
  第十三节 新疆橡胶厂 Rubber Factory of XinJiang616
  第五章 资金与效益 Fund and Benefits617
  第一节 固定资金 Fixed Funds617
  第二节 流动资金 Circulation Funds618
  第三节 利 税 Profits and Tax619
  第六章 农二师工业 Industry of the second Agricultural Division621
  第一节 工业结构 Industrial Structure621
  第二节 经济效益 Economical Benefits622
  第七章 工业行政管理 The Industrial Administrative Organs623
  第一章 企业体制 The Enterprises 627
  第一节 乡办企业 The Township Enterprise627
  第二节 村(队)办企业 Village(brigade)Enterprise627
  第三节 联户企业 Joint Household Enterprises628
  第四节 个体企业 Individual Enterprise629
  第五节 直属企业 Direct Enterprise629
  第二章 重点企业简介 Brief Introduction to Key Enterprises630
  第一节 若羌县石棉矿 Ruo—Qiang Asbestos Factory630
  第二节 库尔勒市第一水泥厂 The First Cement Factory of Kurle City630
  第三节 和硕县麻黄素厂 He—Shuo Ephedrine Mill631
  第四节 尉犁县第二建筑公司 The Second Building Company of Yu Li631
  第五节 焉耆兴兴皮毛制品厂 Xin—Xin Skin—Fur Products Mill of Yan Qi631
  第六节 库尔勒市甘草膏厂 Kurle Licorice Factory632
  第七节 焉耆县第二建筑公司 The Second Building Company Of the YanQi County 632
  第八节 和静县纸箱厂 He Qin Paper Box Mill632
  第九节 库尔勒市建筑建材公司 Kurle Building and Building Marerials Company 633
  第三章 乡镇企业生产 Production of Town and Township Enterprise634
  第一节 工业品生产 Production of Industrial Goods634
  第二节 民族工艺品生产 Production of National Art Goods635
  第三节 名优产品 Renowned and Excellent Products635
  第四章 资金与管理 Funds and Administration636
  第一节 基本建设投资 Invest in Construction636
  第二节 固定资产 Fixed Funds636
  第三节 流动资金 Circulation Funds637
  第四节 产 值 Production Value637
  第五节 利 税 Profits and Tax638
  第五章 机构与队伍 Organizations and the Force639
  第十九卷 塔里木石油 TARIM PETROLEUM
  第一章 地理概况 A Geographical Survey 643
  第一节 地理位置 Position643
  第二节 地形地貌特征 Features of topography and Landforms643
  第三节 气候特征 Climate Charasteristics644
  第二章 石油地质 Petroleum Geology645
  第一节 地 层 Layer645
  第二节 塔里木盆地形成与演化 The Formation and Evolution of the Tarim Basin 646
  第三节 塔里木盆地构造格局 Structure styles of Tarim Basin650
  第四节 塔里木盆地构造发展史 The Development History of structure of the Tarim Basin 655
  第三章 勘探历程 Prospecting Course658
  第一节 地质勘探 Geology Prospecting658
  第二节 重磁力勘探 Magnetic Prospecting659
  第三节 电法勘探 Electrostatic separation process660
  第四节 地震勘探 Seismic Prospecting Method660
  第五节 钻井勘探 Hing Prospecting661
  第四章 石油钻井 Oil Well663
  第一节 轮南油田钻井 The Oil Drilling in Southern LunTai663
  第二节 桑塔木油田钻井 The Shangtam Oil Drilling664
  第三节 吉拉克油气田钻井 The Oil Drilling and Gas Field in Jirack665
  第四节 解放渠东油田钻井 The Oil Drilling to in the East of the liberation Canal 665
  第五节 东河塘油田钻井 Dong Hetang Oil Drilling666
  第六节 英买力地区钻井 The Oil in the Yinmaili Region667
  第七节 塔中地区钻井 The Oil Drilling in The Middle of the Tarim Region668
  第八节 其他地区钻井 Others Oil Drillings668
  第九节 西北石油地质局钻井 The Oil Drilling of the North Western Petroleum Burean 669
  第五章 钻井装备 Drilling Equipment670
  第一节 钻 机 The Drilling670
  第二节 钻具及钻井工具 The Drilling Tools671
  第三节 固井设备 The Equipments for Keeping the well steadfast672
  第四节 井控设备 The Equipment for Drilling control673
  第六章 油气田开发 Exploitotion of Oil and Gas674
  第一节 轮南油田 The Oil Field in the southern Part of LunTai674
  第二节 桑塔木油田 The Oil Field of Shang Tam675
  第三节 解放渠东油田 The Oil Field to the East of the Liberation Canal675
  第四节 吉拉克凝析油气田 The Cement—Analysis Gas Field of Jirak676
  第五节 东河塘油田 Dong He Tang Oil Fields676
  第六节 英买力油田 Ying Mai Li Oil Field677
  第七章 油气集输 Storageand Transportation of Gas and Oil678
  第一节 集油流程 Circuit of the Storage Oil678
  第二节 储运能力 Storage and Transportation679
  第三节 油气分离计量 Gas Separation Measure 680
  第四节 油田保温 Oil Fields Heat Preservation681
  第八章 辅助生产 Auxiliary Production682
  第一节 油田运输 Oil Field Transportation682
  第二节 油田供电 Oil Field Power Supply683
  第三节 油田供水 Oil Field Water Supply684
  第九章 油田建设 Oil Field Construction685
  第一节 生产工程建设 The Construction of Productive Projects685
  第二节 油田基地建设 Building of the Oil base686
  第十章 机构与队伍 Organizations and the Force688
  第一节 指挥机构 The Oil Headquarters688
  第二节 参战队伍 The Oil Force Who Joined the Fighting689
  第二十卷 电力工业 Power Industry
  第一章 发 电 Generating 693
  第一节 水力发电 Hydro—electric Power Generuting693
  第二节 火力发电 Thermal Power694
  第三节 柴汽油机发电 Diesel—Oil Engine Power695
  第二章 供电 Power Supply697
  第一节 供电区域 The Area of Power Supply697
  第二节 供电设备检修To Examine and Repair the Equipments of Power—Supply 698
  第三章 用 电 Use of the Electric Power701
  第一节 工业用电 Use in Industry701
  第二节 农业用电 Use in Agriculture702
  第三节 城镇民用电 Use in city and Town703
  第四节 用电管理 Control for usage704
  第四章 电力建设 Deeveloping of Power Lequipment706
  第一节 发电建设 Equipment for Generating Power706
  第二节 供电建设 Power Supply electricity709
  第五章 电力资金 Funds for Power Generating712
  第一节 固定资金 Fixed Funds712
  第二节 流动资金 Circulating Funds713
  第三节 利 税 Profits and Tax713
  第六章安全生产与技术管理Safety in Production and technical Administration715
  第一节 安全生产 Ensure Safety in production 715
  第二节 技术管理 Technical Administration715
  第七章 劳动管理 Labour Management717
  第一节 电业职工 Technicians and Workers717
  第二节 劳动工资 The Wage718
  第八章 机 构 Organizations719
  第一章 先秦至清代古道 The Ancient Highway From the Earlier Qin till Qing Dynasty 723
  第一节 先秦两汉时期古道 The Ancient Highway for Qin and West—East Han Dynasties 723
  第二节 魏晋前凉时期古道 The Ancient Road for the period of Wei—Jin and Former—Liang Dynasties 723
  第三节 隋唐时期古道 The Road Highway in Sui and Tang Dynasties724
  第四节 宋元明时期古道 The Ancient Highway in Song,Yuan and Ming Dynasties 724
  第五节 清代古道 The Ancient Highway in Qing Dynasty725
  第六节 铁门关 The Iron Gate Pass726
  第二章 公 路 The High Ways728
  第一节 国 道 The State Highways728
  第二节 省 道 The Provincial Highways731
  第三节 县乡公路 County—township Highways732
  第四节 乡村公路 Village Highways733
  第五节 垦区公路 The Highways in the Reclamation Area733
  第三章 桥 涵 Bridge and Culvert734
  第一节 大型桥梁 Big—Sized Bridge734
  第二节 中型桥梁 Mid—Sized Bridge735
  第三节 小型桥涵 Small—Sized Bridge738
  第四章 公路养护 Road Mainteonance739
  第一节 国道省道养护 State—Province Road Maintenance739
  第二节 地方公路与垦区公路养护 Maintenance of the Roads in Towns and the Reclamation Area 740
  第三节 公路病害 Diseases of Highway741
  第五章公路运输Transportation of Road
  第一节 畜力运输 Carry by Animal power 743
  第二节 汽车货运 Goods Transportation by cars744
  第三节 汽车客运 Transportation passenger by cars746
  第四节 拖拉机运输 Transportation by Tractors747
  第六章 公路运输机械修理 The Mechanical Repairing work in Highway Transpor—tation 748
  第一节 货运汽车修理 The repairing of Lorries748
  第二节 客运汽车修理 The repairing of Passenger bus749
  第三节 小汽车修理 The repairing of Small cars749
  第四节 筑路机械修理 The repairing of Machinery for Building up the Road750
  第七章 公路运输管理 Management of Highway Transportation751
  第一节 机动车运行管理 Management of Motor Velicles in the Transportation751
  第二节 货运管理 Goods Transportation Management752
  第三节 客运管理 Passenger Transportation Management753
  第八章 铁 路 The Railways755
  第一节 库库铁路建设 Construction of KuKu Railway755
  第二节 南疆铁路吐库段建设 Construction of Turufan—Kurle Section of the South Xinjiang Railway 755
  第三节 铁路运输 Transportation by Railways756
  第四节 铁路养护 The Maintenance of Railways756
  第五节 铁路站点 Stations and Spots of Railway757
  第九章 民 航 Civil Aviation758
  第一节 民国时期民航 Civil Aviation in the Period of the Republic of China758
  第二节 新中国民航 Civil Aviation in the Period of the People's Republic of China 758
  第十章 水 运 Water Transport760
  第一节 塔里木河航运 Shipping of Tarim River760
  第二节 开都河孔雀河航运 Shipping of Kai—Du and Peacock River761
  第三节 渡 口 The Ferry761
  第十一章 交通运输资金 Funds for Traffic and Transportation762
  第一节 固定资金 Fixed funds762
  第二节 流动资金 Circulation funds762
  第三节 公路运输利税 Profits and Tax for Highway Transportation763
  第十二章 交通管理机构 The organizations for Traffic Control764
  第一节 公路管理机构 The organizations for Highways Control764
  第二节 铁路管理机构 The organizations for Railway Control764
  第三节 民航管理机构 The organizations for civil aviation Control765
  第一章 古代邮传驿站与烽燧 Ancient Postal Station and the Beacon769
  第一节 邮传驿站 The Postal Stations769
  第二节 烽 燧 The Beacon771
  第二章 邮 政 Postal Service772
  第一节 函 件 Letters772
  第二节 包 裹 Parcels774
  第三节 汇 兑 Remittance775
  第四节 报刊发行 The issue for Newspaper and Magainzes776
  第五节 兼营业务 Running of other service concurrently778
  第三章 邮路与邮运 Postal Routes and mail Transportation779
  第一节 邮驿 军台 驿站 Posts Ariny Towers779
  第二节 市内邮路 The Post Route Within the City779
  第三节 乡村邮路 Country—Village Postal Route780
  第四节 步班与马班邮运 The Postal Transportation on Foot and Horse781
  第五节 汽车邮运 Postal Transportation by cars782
  第六节 航空与火车邮运 Postal Transportation by air and Train784
  第四章 电 信 Telecommunications785
  第一节 电 报 Telegram785
  第二节 市内电话 Telephones withinthe city787
  第三节 农村电话 Rural Area Telephones788
  第四节 长途电话 Long Area Distancecall790
  第五章 邮电设施 The Installment of posts and Telecommunications793
  第一节 邮政设备 The Equipments for postal service793
  第二节 电报设备 The Telegram Equipments793
  第三节 电话设备 The Telephone Equipments795
  第四节 邮电场所 The Office of Post and Telecommunication797
  第六章 集邮与邮政储蓄 Philately and Post Savings798
  第一节 集 邮 Philately798
  第二节 邮政储蓄 Post Savings799
  第七章 邮电资金 The Funds for post and Telecommunication800
  第一节 固定资金 Fixed Funds800
  第二节 流动资金 Circulation Funds801
  第三节 利 税 Profits and Tax802
  第八章 邮电机构及职工 The Administrative and Staff of the Post and Telecom—munication Services Workers 803
  第一节 机 构 The organizations803
  第二节 职 工 Staff and workes804
  第一章 城镇建设 The City and Town Building 810
  第一节 古代城郭 The ancient cities810
  第二节 库尔勒市 The Kurle city811
  第三节 焉耆镇 The Town of YanQi813
  第四节 轮台镇 The Town of luntai814
  第五节 尉犁镇 The Town of Yuli815
  第六节 若羌镇 The Town of Ruoqiang816
  第七节 和静镇 The Town of Hejin817
  第八节 和硕镇 The Town of Heshuo818
  第九节 博湖镇 The Town of Bohu819
  第十节 且末镇 The Town of Qiemo819
  第二章 城镇设施 The Installtion of City and Town821
  第一节 市政设施 The Facilities for City Service821
  第二节 公用设施 The Facilities for Public Service823
  第三节 城镇绿化 Afforestation in the Cities and Towns825
  第四节 市容卫生 The Sanitation and View of the City826
  第三章 城镇房地产 The Real Estate of city and Town827
  第一节 城镇住宅 Residence of City and Town827
  第二节 房地产管理 Real Estate Management828
  第四章 乡村建设 The Building Village People833
  第一节 乡村居民住房 Resideential houses for the Village People833
  第二节 乡村公共设施 The Public Facilities in the Village835
  第三节 乡村规划 The Building plan for Village and Countryside837
  第五章 建筑工程 Building Industry839
  第一节 住宅建筑 Domestic Architecture839
  第二节 工业建筑 Industrial building839
  第三节 交通邮电建筑 Traffic and Post and telecommunication Building841
  第四节 商业服务建筑 Building for commercial service842
  第五节 教育建筑 Educalional Building845
  第六节 医疗卫生建筑 Building for Medical and health service846
  第七节 文化体育建筑 Building for Cultural Sports847
  第八节 广播电视建筑 Building for Boardcasting and Television848
  第六章 建筑工程技术 The technology of Architectural Engineering849
  第一节 基础工程技术 The technology of Foundation engineering849
  第二节 墙体工程技术 The Wall—Body Technology850
  第三节 屋面与装饰工程技术 The Engineering Technology for Roofing and Decorating 850
  第四节 钢筋混凝土工程技术 The Reinforced—conerete Construetion852
  第五节 施工机械 The operation Machine853
  第七章 建筑管理 Management855
  第一节 工程承包 Undertaking Contracted Projects855
  第二节 质量管理 Strict Quality Testing856
  第三节 建筑企业 Constructive enterprise857
  第八章 建筑勘察设计 The Design for Construction and Exploration859
  第一节 勘察设计成果 The acheivements of Prospecting design859
  第二节 勘察设计装备 The Equipments for the Prospecting Design860
  第三节 勘察设计机构 The organization for the Prospecting Design860
  第九章 城乡建设管理机构 The administrative organization for the construction of the City and Countryside 863
  第一章 自然生态环境 The Natural Ecology Environment867
  第一节 土 地 Land867
  第二节 林 地 Woods land868
  第三节 草 地 Grass land869
  第四节 物 种 Species869
  第二章 环境污染与防治 Enviornment pollution and its prevention and cureing870
  第一节 废水排放与防治 The Disposal and Treatment of the Sewage Water870
  第二节 废气排放与防治 The Disposal and Treatment of the Sewage Gas871
  第三节 废渣污染与防治 The Disposal and Treatment of the Sewage Residue872
  第三章 环境质量 Envionment Quality874
  第一节 水环境质量 Quality of Water Enviornment874
  第二节 大气环境质量 Quality of Atmosphere Enviornment876
  第三节 声源环境质量 Quality of Sound sourse Enviornment877
  第四章 环境监测与设备 Monitoring and equipment of Enviornment879
  第一节 监测布点 The spots for monitoring879
  第二节 监测设备 The equipments for monitoring880
  第五章 环境管理与环保费收支 Enviornment Mangement and The Balence of Income and Expenditure for Enviornment Protection882
  第一节 环境管理 Enviornment management882
  第二节 环保费征收与使用 The Use of Charge fee for Enviornment Protection882
  第六章 环保机构 The Organization for Enviornment protection883
  第二十五卷 商 业 COMMERCE
  第一章 百货文化用品购销 Buying—Selling of General Merchandise and culture stationery 888
  第一节 百货购销 Department Store Commodity Buying and Selling888
  第二节 文化用品购销 Buying and Selling of culture stationery889
  第二章 针纺织品购销 Buying and Selling for the Goods of Knitting,Spinning and Weaving 891
  第一节 针织品购销 Buying and Selling for the Knitting Goods891
  第二节 纺织品购销 Buying and Selling for the Spinning Wearing892
  第三章 五交化商品购销 Buying and Selling for the Goods of Five metals Traffic and Chemical 894
  第一节 五金商品购销 Buying and Selling for the five metals Goods894
  第二节 交电商品购销 Buying and Selling for the Goods of Traffic Electrical895
  第三节 家电商品购销 Buying and Selling for the Home Electrical Goods896
  第四节 化工商品购销 Buying and Selling for the Chemical Goods897
  第四章 茶糖烟酒及小食品购销 Buying—Selling for the Tea sugar Cigarettesand Wine and Small food Goods 899
  第一节 茶叶购销 Buying and Selling of Tea899
  第二节 食糖购销 Buying and Selling of Sugar900
  第三节 卷烟购销 Buying and Selling of Cigars901
  第四节 酒类购销 Buying and Selling of Wine902
  第五节 小食品购销 Buying and Selling of Small Food Goods903
  第五章 肉食禽蛋水产购销 Buying and Selling for the Meat Poultry Eggs and Aqu—atic Products 905
  第一节 肉食购销 Buying and Selling of Meats905
  第二节 禽蛋购销 Buying and Selling of Poultry Eggs907
  第三节 水产品购销 Buying and Selling of Aquatic Products908
  第六章 蔬菜调味食品购销 Buying and Selling for Vegetables and Flavouring909
  第一节 蔬菜购销 Buying and Selling of Vegotables909
  第二节 调味食品购销 Buying and Selling of Flavouring910
  第七章 石油煤炭购销 Buying and Selling for the Oil and Coal911
  第一节 石油购销 Buying and Selling of Oil911
  第二节 煤炭购销 Buying and Selling of Coal913
  第八章 饮食服务 Diet Service914
  第一节 饮食业 Catering trade914
  第二节 服务业 Service trade915
  第九章 商办工业 The Commercial Industry917
  第一节 副食品加工 Non—Staple Food processing917
  第二节 服装加工 Clothing processing918
  第十章 商业资金 Commercial funds920
  第一节 固定资金 Fixed funds920
  第二节 流动资金 Circulation funds920
  第三节 利 税 Profits and Tax921
  第十一章 农二师商业 Commerce of the Second Agricultural Division923
  第一节 经营体制 System of Enterprising923
  第二节 商品购销 Buying and Selling of Goods924
  第十二章 商业网点 Commercial Network and Spots926
  第一节 国营商业网点 Commercial Network and spots Run by the state926
  第二节 集体商业网点 Commercial Network and spots Run by the colletive926
  第三节 私营商业网点 Commercial Network and spots Run by the Private927
  第十三章 商业机构 Commercial orgenization929
  第一章 粮油征购 Grain and oil Requisition 935
  第一节 粮食征购 Grain Requisition935
  第二节 食油收购 The Government Purchasing of the Edible Oil936
  第三节 粮油议购 Buying in a Bargaining for Grain and Oil937
  第二章 粮油供应 Grain—Oil supply939
  第一节 粮食供应 Grain Supply939
  第二节 食油供应 Edible oil Supply939
  第三节 粮油议销 Selling with a Bargaining price for Grain and Oil940
  第四节 粮油销售票证 The Coupon of Selling for Grain and Oil941
  第三章 粮油储运 Storage and Transportation for Grain and oil942
  第一节 粮油调运 Allocation and Transportation for Grain and oil942
  第二节 粮油储存 Storage of Grain and oil943
  第四章 粮油工业 Grain and oil Industry945
  第一节 粮食加工 Grain processing945
  第二节 油脂加工 Vegetable—Animal Fat Processing946
  第三节 饲料加工 Feed processing947
  第四节 粮油辅助品加工 Processing of Auxiliary Goods for the Grain and Oil947
  第五节 粮油机械制造 Manufacturing of Machinery for the Grain and Oil948
  第五章 粮油资金 Grain—Oil funds949
  第一节 固定资金 Fixed Funds949
  第二节 流动资金 Circulation Funds949
  第三节 利 税 Profits and Tax950
  第六章 农二师粮油供应 Grain—Oil supply for the SecondAgricultural Division951
  第一节 粮食管理 Grain Management951
  第二节 粮油供应 Grain—Oil Supply951
  第七章 粮油机构与队伍 Orgenization and Workers for Grain and Oil953
  第一节 机 构 Orgenization953
  第二节 职工队伍 Staff and workers953
  第二十七卷 外 贸 FOREIGN TRADE
  第一章 商品出口 Goods Export 957
  第一节 畜产品出口 Animal Products Export957
  第二节 农副产品出口 Agricultural—Sideline products Export958
  第三节 工业品出口 Industrial Products Export961
  第二章 出口商品收购 Purchasing of Export goods965
  第一节 畜产品收购 Purchasing of Animal Products965
  第二节 农副产品收购 Purchasing of Agricultural—Sideline Goods966
  第三节 工业品收购 Purchasing of Industrial Products970
  第三章 出口商品加工 Processing of Exportation goods973
  第一节 畜产品加工 Processing of Animal Goods973
  第二节 药材加工 Processing of the Medicinal Material973
  第三节 地毯加工 Processing of the carpet974
  第四章 商品进口与外汇分成 Goods Import and Foreign Exchange Share—out975
  第一节 商品进口 Goods Importation975
  第二节 外汇分成 Foreign Exchange share—out975
  第五章 内 销 Commodities Sold for the Home Market977
  第一节 畜产品内销 Animal products sold for the Home Market977
  第二节 农副产品内销 Agricultural—Sideline Products for the Home Market978
  第三节 工业品内销 Industrial products for the Home Market978
  第六章 商品检验 Quality Testing of the Commodity980
  第一节 农副产品检验 Agricultural—Sideline products Quality Testing980
  第二节 工业品检验 Industrial Products Quality Testing981
  第七章 包装仓储中转 Packing and storing keep grain change trains983
  第一节 包 装 Packing983
  第二节 仓 储 Storing984
  第三节 中 转 Change Trains985
  第八章 外贸资金 Foreign Trade funds986
  第一节 固定资金 Fixed funds986
  第二节 流动资金 Circulation funds987
  第三节 利 税 Profits and tax988
  第九章 外贸与商检机构 Orgenization for the Foreign Trade and Commodity Inspec—tion990
  第一节 外贸机构 Orgenization of Foreign Trade990
  第二节 商检机构 Orgenization of Commodity Inspection990
  第二十八卷 供销合作社 Supply and Marketing Cooperatives
  第一章 农用生产资料购销 Buying and Selling of production means for Agricultural Use 995
  第一节 耕畜购销 Buying and Selling of the farming Animal995
  第二节 中小农具购销 Buying and Selling for the Mid Small Sized Agricultural Implements 997
  第三节 化肥购销 Buying and Selling of Chemical Fertilizer998
  第四节 农药与药械购销 Buying and Selling of pesticides and Medical Imple ments 1000
  第五节 农用塑料薄膜购销 Buying and Selling of Plastic Film for Agricutural Use 1001
  第二章 棉麻购销 Buying and Selling of cotton and Hemp1002
  第一节 长绒棉购销 Buying and Selling of Long staple cotton1002
  第二节 陆地棉购销 Buying and Selling of Upland Cotton1003
  第三节 罗布麻购销 Buying and Selling of Apocynumvenetum1004
  第三章 茶畜产品购销 Buying—Selling of Tea and Animal Products1006
  第一节 皮毛购销 Buying and Selling of Skin and Hair1006
  第二节 肠衣购销 Buying and Selling of Casings1009
  第三节 茶叶购销 Buying and Selling of Tea1009
  第四章 土产瓜果购销 Buying and Selling of the Local products and Melon and Fruits 1011
  第一节 芦苇购销 Buying and Selling of Reed1011
  第二节 蜂蜜购销 Buying and Selling of Honey1013
  第三节 莫合烟购销 Buying and Selling of Mo He Yan tobaco1014
  第四节 香梨购销 Buying and Selling of Pears1014
  第五节 苹果购销 Buying and Selling of Apples1015
  第六节 杏干购销 Buying and Selling of Dried Apricots1016
  第七节 甜瓜和西瓜购销 Buying and Selling of musk melon and watermelon1016
  第五章 日用杂品购销 Buying and Selling of Commodities1018
  第一节 家具购销 Buying and Selling of Furniture1018
  第二节 炊具购销 Buying and Selling of Cookers Kitchen Gadgets1018
  第三节 日用陶瓷器购销 Buying and Selling of Pottery and porceslain Wares1019
  第六章 废旧物资回收 Waste material Recovery1020
  第一节 金属废品回收 Waste Metal Recovery1020
  第二节 废橡胶回收 Waste Rubber Recovery1021
  第三节 杂骨回收 Mixed Bones Recovery1022
  第四节 破布废棉回收 Recovery of Broken cloth and Waste cotton1022
  第五节 废纸回收 Waste Paper Recovery1022
  第七章 日用工业品购销 Buying and Selling of Industrial products for Daily Use1024
  第八章 供销产品加工 Processing of Supply and Marketing products1026
  第一节 棉花加工 Processing of cotton1026
  第二节 畜产品加工 Processing of Animal Products1027
  第三节 果品加工 Processing of Fruit Goods1028
  第四节 废旧物资加工 Processing of waste Materials1028
  第九章 供销社资金 Funds of Supply and Marketing Cooperative1030
  第一节 固定资金 Fixed funds1030
  第二节 流动资金 Circulation funds1030
  第三节 利润与税金 Profits and Tax1031
  第四节 盈余分配与专用基金 Surplus Alloating and Funds for Special Use1032
  第十章 供销社机构 Orgenizations of supply and Marketing cooperative1033
  第一节 巴州供销社 Supply and Marketing cooperative of Ba Zhou1033
  第二节 县市供销社 Supply and Marketing cooperative of the County(city)1034
  第三节 基层供销社 Supply and Marketing cooperative of Grass Roots1034
  第一章 金属材料购销 Buying and Selling of metal materials1039
  第一节 生铁购销 Buying and Selling of Pig Iron1039
  第二节 钢材购销 Buying and Selling of Steel Materials1039
  第三节 有色金属购销 Buying and Selling of nonferrous Metals1041
  第二章 机电产品购销 Buying and Selling of the Mechanical—Electrical products1042
  第一节 汽车购销 Buying and Selling of Cars1042
  第二节 锅炉购销 Buying and Selling of Boilers1043
  第三节 车床购销 Buying and Selling of lathes1043
  第四节 工业轴承购销 Buying and Selling of the Industrial Bearing1044
  第五节 变压器购销 Buying and Selling of the Transformer1044
  第六节 电线购销 Buying and Selling of wire1045
  第七节 电动机购销 Buying and Selling of the Ganerator1046
  第三章 轻化产品购销 Buying and Selling of Light—Chemical products1047
  第一节 麻袋购销 Buying and Selling of Gunny Bags1047
  第二节 轮胎购销 Buying and Selling of Tires1047
  第三节 纯碱购销 Buying and Selling of Carbonate1048
  第四节 烧碱购销 Buying and Selling of Caustic Soda1049
  第五节 硫酸购销 Buying and Selling of Surphuric Acid1050
  第六节 火工产品购销 Buying and Selling of Kiln Products1050
  第四章 建筑材料购销 Buying and Selling of building materials1051
  第一节 水泥购销 Buying and Selling of Cement1051
  第二节 玻璃购销 Buying and Selling of Glass1052
  第三节 沥清购销 Buying and Selling of Pitch1053
  第四节 油毛毡购销 Buying and Selling of Asphalt Felt1054
  第五章 农二师与库尔勒站物资购销 Buying and Selling of Goods and Materials of the Second Agricultural Division and in the kurle Station1055
  第一节 农二师物资购销 Buying and Selling of the Second Agricultural Division 1055
  第二节 库尔勒站物资购销 Buying and Selling in the Kurle Station1056
  第六章 物资回收与利用 Waste Goods of Materials Recovery and Utilization1057
  第一节 黑色金属回收 Ferrous Metal Recovery1057
  第二节 有色金属回收 Nonferrous Metal Recovery1057
  第三节 报废汽车回收 Waste Cars Recovery1058
  第四节 废旧物资再生利用 Regeneration and utilization for the Waste Goods and Materials 1058
  第七章 仓 储 Keep Grain1059
  第一节 仓库建设 Building of a Storehouse1059
  第二节 物资储备 To Store up Goods and Material1060
  第八章 物资资金 Funds of Goods and Material1061
  第一节 固定资金 Fixed Funds1061
  第二节 流动资金 Circulation Funds1062
  第三节 利 税 Profits and Tax1062
  第九章 物资机构与队伍 Organizations and the Force of Goods and Material1064
  第一节 物资机构 orgenizations of goods and material1064
  第二节 物资队伍 The Team of goods and material1064
  第三十卷 旅 游 TOURISM
  第一章 旅游资源 Resource of Tourism 1069
  第一节 自然风光 The Natural Sights1069
  第二节 名胜古迹 Scenic Spots and Historical sites1073
  第三节 风味特产 Goods of Special Flavour1078
  第四节 民族风情 The National Special expressions1081
  第二章 旅游设施与线路 Facilities and Route for Tour1083
  第一节 宾馆旅社 Guesthouses and Hotels1083
  第二节 旅游线路 Touring Route1084
  第三章 旅游业务 Touring serrice1086
  第一节 旅行社 Tour Agency1086
  第二节 旅游接待 Touring Reception1086
  第四章 外事侨务旅游管理机构The Administrative for Foreign Travellers in China1087
  第五章 旅游诗文选 Poems and Other Articles for Tonrists1088
  第一节 诗 选 Tourist Poems of the Past1088
  第二节 散文选 Writings on Touring1095
  第一章 科学技术应用 Applying of Science and Technology1103
  第一节 农牧林水科技应用 Science and Technology Apply to Agriculture Animal husbandry Forestry and Water Conservancy1103
  第二节 工业科技应用 Applying of science and Technology to Industry1106
  第三节 能源交通科技应用 Applying of Science and Technology to Energy Source and Traffic1109
  第四节 医疗卫生科技应用 Applying of Science and Technology to Medical and Health 1111
  第二章 科学普及与学术交流 Science popularization and Academic Exchanges1112
  第一节 城镇科普 Science Popularization for Cities and Towns1112
  第二节 农村科普 Science Popularrzation for Rural Areas1112
  第三节 青少年科普 Science Popularization for the Youths1113
  第四节 学术交流 Academic Exchanges1114
  第五节 科技咨询 Consulting service for Science and Technology1117
  第三章 科学技术研究 Science and Technology Researche1118
  第一节 农林牧水科学研究 Research for Agriculture Forestry Animal Raising and Water Conser—vaccy 1118
  第二节 工业科学研究 Research for Industrial Science1123
  第三节 医药卫生科学研究 Scientiffic Researches for Medical and Health1124
  第四节 广播邮电科学研究 Scientiffic Researches for Boardcasting Posts and Tele communications 1124
  第五节 地震科学研究 Scientiffic Study for Earthquake1124
  第六节 地质科学研究 Scientiffic Study for Geology1125
  第七节 软科学研究 Soft Science Study1125
  第四章 科技经费和科研设施 Funds for Science and Technology and Facilities for Scientiffic Researches 1126
  第一节 科技经费 Funds for Science and Technology1126
  第二节 科研设施 Facilities for Scientiffic Researches1126
  第五章 科技机构与科技队伍 Orgenizations of science and Technology and team of science and Technology 1128
  第一节 科学技术委员会 Scientiffic and Technical Commission1128
  第二节 科协与学会 Scientiffic Association and Institute1128
  第三节 科研机构 Orgenizations for Scientiffic and Technical Researches1130
  第四节 科技推广机构 Orgenizations for Scientiffic and Techmical Poppulari—zation 1131
  第五节 科技队伍 Team of Science and Technology1131
  第六章 获奖科技项目 Scientiffic and Technical Items won Prizes1132
  第一节 获国家部委奖励的科技成果和科技工作者 Scientiffic and Technical Achieveements and Workers won Awards Given by the Ministry of the State Council1132
  第二节 获自治区奖励的科技成果 Scientiffic and Technological Result won Awards Given by the Xinjiang uyger Autonomous Region1133
  第三十二卷 财 政 FINANCE
  第一章 农业税 Agricultural Tax 1139
  第一节 清代的田赋 Land Tax in the Period of Qing Dynasty1139
  第二节 民国时期的田赋 Land tax in the period of the Republic of China1142
  第三节 中华人民共和国成立后的农业税 Agricultural Tax After the People's Republic of China Was Founded 1143
  第二章 牧业税 Animal tax1148
  第一节 民国牧业税 Animal Tax in the Period of the Republic of China1148
  第二节 中华人民共和国成立后的牧业税 Animal Tax after the People's Republic of China was founded1149
  第三章 工商税收 Indstry and Commerce Tax Revenue1153
  第一节 清代工商税收 Industrial and Commercial Tax Revenue in the Period of Qing Dynasty 1153
  第二节 民国工商税收 Industrial and Commercial Tax Revenue in the period of the Republic of China1154
  第三节 中华人民共和国成立后工商税收 Industrial and Commerical Tax Reve—nue in the Period After the People's Republic of China was founded1158
  第四章 企业收入与杂项收入 Enterprise Income and Miscellanious Expenses Income 1171
  第一节 企业收入 Enterprise Income1171
  第二节 杂项收入 Miscellanious Expenses Income1172
  第五章 经济建设费 Funds for Economical Construction1174
  第一节 清代交通事业费 Industrial and Traffic Expenses in the Period of Qing Dynasty1174
  第二节 民国经济建设费 Funds for Economical Construction in the Period of the Republic of China1174
  第三节 中华人民共和国成立后经济建设费 Funds for Economical Construction After the People's Republic of China was founded1175
  第六章 文教科学卫生事业费 Funds for Culture Education Science and Health1179
  第一节 清末教育经费 Educational Funds in the End of the Qing Dynasty1179
  第二节 民国文教卫生事业费 Funds for Culture Education and Health in the Period of the Republic of China 1179
  第三节 中华人民共和国成立后文教科技卫生事业费 Funds for Culture Educa—tion Science and Health after the People's Republic of China was founded 1180
  第七章 抚恤和社会福利救济费 Commiseration,Charity and Social Welbeing Fund1183
  第一节 清代救抚费 Pension and Relief Funds in the Qing Dynsty1183
  第二节 民国救抚费 Pension and Relief Funds in the Republic of China1184
  第三节 中华人民共和国成立后抚恤和社会福利救济费 Pension commiseration,charity and Social Welbeing and Relief funds After the People's Republic of China was Founded 1185
  第八章 行政管理费 Administrative Expenses1187
  第一节 清代行政管理费 Administrative Expenses in the Qing Dynasty1187
  第二节 民国时期行政管理费 Administrative Expenses in the Period of the Republic of China 1188
  第三节 中华人民共和国成立后的行政管理费 Administrative Expenses After the People's Republic of China Was founded1189
  第九章 财政总收支 Tolal Financial Revenue1191
  第十章 财政管理 Financial Management1195
  第一节 预算管理 Budget Control1195
  第二节 行政事业费管理 Management of the Expenditure on Administration1197
  第三节 预算内企业管理 Management of the Budgetary Enterprises1198
  第十一章 机构 Orgenization1200
  第一节 清代财政机构 Financial orgenization in the period of Qing Dynasty1200
  第二节 民国时期财政机构 Financial orgenization in the period of the Repblic of China 1200
  第三节 中华人民共和国成立后财政机构 Financial orgenization after the paoplas Republic of China was founed 1201
  第三十三卷 金 融 The Money
  第一章 货 币 Currency 1205
  第一节 巴州境内流通的货币 Currency within the Land of Ba—Zhou1205
  第二节 货币投放与回笼 The Issuing and Recalling of curreney1206
  第三节 金银管理 Gold and Silver Management1208
  第四节 现金管理 Cash manage1209
  第五节 专业银行存款准备金 Prepared Funds for the Special Bank1209
  第二章 存 储 Deposits and savings1210
  第一节 国营企业存款 State Run Enterprise Deposit1210
  第二节 城乡集体存款 Collective Deposits in Both the Citiy and Rual Areas1212
  第三节 外币存款 Deposit of Foreign currency1213
  第四节 储 蓄 Savings1213
  第五节 债 券 Bonds1218
  第三章 流动资金贷款 The Loan of circulation funds1219
  第一节 工业流动资金贷款 The loan of Industrial Circulation funds1219
  第二节 乡镇企业流动资金贷款 The loan of circulation funds for the Township Enterprises1222
  第三节 农业流动资金贷款 The Loan of Circulation funds for Agriculture1223
  第四节 商业流动资金贷款 The Loan of circulation funds for Commerce1225
  第四章 基本建设拨款贷款 Financial Allocation and loan for the Capital Construc—tion1229
  第一节 工业基本建设拨款贷款 Finencial Allocation and Loan for the Capital Construction of Industry 1230
  第二节 农业基本建设拨款贷款 Financial Allocation and Loan for the Capital Construction of Agriculture 1230
  第三节 商业基本建设拨款贷款 financial Allocation and Loan for the Capital Construction of Commerce 1230
  第四节 基建拨款贷款审核 The Audit and Verifying of Financil Allocation and Loan for Capital Construction 1231
  第五章 固定资产货款 Fixed Assets Loan1233
  第一节 农业固定资产贷款 Agricultural Fixed Assete Loan1233
  第二节 乡镇企业固定资产贷款 Fixed Assete Loan for Township Enterprise1234
  第六章 技改贷款 Loan for Technical Reform1235
  第一节 工业技改贷款 Loan of Technical Reform for Industry1235
  第二节 商业技改贷款 Loan of Technical Reform for Commerce1236
  第三节 交通技改贷款 Loan of Technical Reform for Traffic1237
  第七章 外汇外债管理 Administration of Foreign Exchange and Bonds1238
  第一节 贸易外汇管理 Trade Foreign Exchange Administration1238
  第二节 非贸易外汇管理 Nontrade Foreign Exchange Administration1238
  第三节 投资外汇管理 Administration for the Investment Foreign Exchanges1239
  第四节 外汇市场调剂 Adjust the Foreign Exchange Market1240
  第五节 外汇分成及留成外汇核拨 Approve Allocation in both Foreign Exchange Share out and share keep 1240
  第六节 外汇兑换 Foreign Exchange Convert1241
  第八章 农村信用社资金与经营管理 Management for Rural Area credit coope—rative Funds 1242
  第一节 自有资金 Self—owned Funds1242
  第二节 经营管理 Management1243
  第九章 稽 核 Audit1246
  第一节 两项贷款稽核 Two loans Audit1246
  第二节 现金管理稽核 Audit for cash1247
  第十章 结算信托 Settle Accounts and Entrust1248
  第一节 结 算 Settle Accounts1248
  第二节 信 托 Entrust1252
  第十一章 保 险 Insurance1253
  第一节 保险收入 Insurance Income1253
  第二节 灾后理赔 Compensation Post Disaster1254
  第十二章 金融机构 Orgenization of the Money1255
  第一节 新疆省银行焉耆分行 Yan Qi Branch Bank of the Xinjiang Provincial Band 1255
  第二节 中国人民银行巴州分行 Ba Zhou Branch Bank of the People's Bank of China 1255
  第三节 中国工商银行巴州中心支行 Ba Zhou Cardinal Branch Bank of the Industrial and commercial Bank of China1256
  第四节 中国农业银行巴州中心支行 Ba Zhou Cardinal Branch Bank of the Agricultural Bank of China 1257
  第五节 巴州农村信用社 Rural Area Credit Cooperative of Ba Zhou1258
  第六节 中国银行库尔勒支行 Kurle Branch Bank of the Bank of China1259
  第七节 中国人民建设银行巴州中心支行 Ba Zhou Branch Bank of the People's Construction Bank of China1259
  第八节 巴州保险公司 Ba Zhou Insurance Company1260
  第一章 计量单位制与量值传递 Measure Units system and Quantity Value Pass1263
  第一节 计量单位制 Measure units System1263
  第二节 量值传递 Quantity value Pass1267
  第三节 计量标准器 Measure Standard Implements1267
  第二章 计量检定与收费 Measure Inspection and Charges1269
  第一节 计量检定 Measure Inspection1269
  第二节 检定印证 Inspection Confirmation1269
  第三节 检定收费 Inspection Charges1271
  第三章 计量管理 Measure Administration1272
  第一节 计量器具生产管理 Administration for the prodution of the measure Tools 1272
  第二节 计量器具使用管理 Administration for the Application of the Measure Tools 1273
  第三节 工业计量管理 Industrial Measure Administration1275
  第四章 计量效益与计量经费 Profits and of measure1277
  第一节 计量效益 Measure profits1277
  第二节 计量业务经费 Measure Service Expese1277
  第五章 计量机构与计量人员培训 Measure Organizations and Personnel to be Trained 1279
  第一节 计量机构 Measure Organizations1279
  第二节 计量人员培训 Measure Personnel to be Trained1280
  第一章 企业登记 Enterprise Registration 1283
  第一节 国营企业登记 Registration of Enterprise Run by State1283
  第二节 集体企业登记 Collective Enterprise Registeration1284
  第三节 私营企业登记 Private Enterprise Ragisteration1286
  第二章 市场管理 Market Administration1287
  第一节 集贸市场管理 Administration of the Fair and collective Trade market1287
  第二节 生产资料市场管理 Manugement of the Productive Means Market1290
  第三节 专业市场管理 Management of Special Markets1291
  第三章 个体工商户管理 Administration of the Individual household of Industry or Commerce 1294
  第一节 个体工商户 Individual Household of Industry or Commerce1294
  第二节 经营管理 Management1295
  第四章 经济合同 Economic Contract1297
  第一节 经济合同管理 Economic Contract Administration1297
  第二节 经济合同仲裁 Arbitration of Economic Contract1298
  第五章 商标广告管理 Administration in Brand and Advertisement1299
  第一节 商标注册 Brand Registration1299
  第二节 商标管理 Brand Administration1300
  第三节 广告管理 Advertisement Administration1301
  第六章 工商管理费 Administrative fees for both of Industry and Commerce1302
  第一节 企业登记管理费 Administrative Fees for Entorprise Registration1302
  第二节 市场管理费 Fees for Market Administration1302
  第三节 合同鉴证及仲裁管理费 Charges in Contract Appraisal and Arbitration for act1303
  第四节 个体工商户管理费 Administrative Fees for Individual Household of Industry or Commerce 1303
  第五节 商标注册管理费 Fees for Brand Registration1304
  第六节 广告登记费 Registration Fees for Advertisement1304
  第七节 罚没款 Fines and Confiscations1305
  第七章 工商行政管理机构 Administration Orgenizations of both Industry and Commerce 1306
  第三十六卷 物 价 PRICES
  第一章 农林产品价格 The price of Agricultural and Forestry products1309
  第一节 粮油价格 Price of Grain and oil1309
  第二节 棉花价格 The Price of Cotton1310
  第三节 蔬菜价格 The Price of Vegetables1313
  第四节 瓜果价格 The Price of Melons and Fruits1314
  第五节 木材价格 The Price of Timber1316
  第六节 其 他 Others1318
  第二章 畜禽产品价格 Price of Poultry and Livestock products1321
  第一节 活畜价格 The Price of Living Animals1321
  第二节 肉食价格 The price of Meat1322
  第三节 皮毛价格 The price of Leather Goods ond Furs1324
  第四节 蛋禽价格 The price of Poultry and Egg1326
  第五节 水产品价格 The Price of Aquatic Products1327
  第三章 食品和药品价格 The price of Food and Medicine1329
  第一节 糖烟酒价格 The price of Sugar Cirgarettes and Wine1329
  第二节 盐茶价格 The price of Salt and Tea1333
  第三节 酱醋糕点价格 The price of Sauce Vinegar and Cakes1334
  第四节 罐头价格 The price of Canned Goods 1336
  第五节 药品价格 The price of Medicine1338
  第四章 轻工业品价格 The price of Light products1341
  第一节 五交化价格 The price of(Five)Metals Traffic and Chemical products1341
  第二节 纺织品价格 The price of Spinning—Weaving products1345
  第三节 文化用品价格 The price of Cultural Commodity1347
  第四节 百货价格 The price of General Merchandise1350
  第五章 重工业品和运输价格 The price of Heavy Industry Products and Transpor—tation1356
  第一节 原煤价格 The price of Raw coal1356
  第二节 电 价 Electrical Price1357
  第三节 石油价格 Oil Price1357
  第四节 建材价格 Price of Building materials1358
  第五节 农机具价格 The Price of Agricultural Machinery1360
  第六节 化肥农药价格 The price of chemical Fertilizer and Pesticide1361
  第七节 公路交通运价 The price of Transportation in the Highway Traffic1363
  第六章 饮食服务业价格 The price of Food and Drink services1366
  第一节 饮食业价格 The price of Food and Drink Services1366
  第二节 住宿价格 The price of Accommodation1367
  第三节 照相理发缝纫价格 The price for photography,Haircut and Tailoring1369
  第四节 修理价格 Repairing price1370
  第五节 医疗价格 Medical Fee1371
  第七章 商品差价 Price Difference of commodity1373
  第一节 工业品差价 Industrial Products Price difference1373
  第二节 农产品差价 Agricultural Products Price Difference1375
  第八章 保护价格与补贴 Protective Price and Subsidy1377
  第一节 保护价格 Protective price1377
  第二节 物价补贴 Price Subsidy1377
  第九章 物价管理 Prices Control1379
  第一节 管理与监督 Control and Superintending1379
  第二节 管理机构 Control Organs1380
  第三十七卷 统 计 STATISTICS
  第一章 工农业统计 Statistics in Industry and Agriculture1383
  第一节 农业统计 Agricultural Statisitics1383
  第二节 工业统计 Industrial Statistics 1392
  第二章 商业物资统计 Commercial Goods and Materials Statistic1401
  第一节 商业统计 Commercial Statistics1401
  第二节 物资统计 Goods and Materials Statistics1409
  第三章 固定资产与综合平衡统计 Fixed Assets and Overall Balance Statistics1412
  第一节 固定资产统计 Fixed Assets Statistics1412
  第二节 综合平衡统计 Overall Balance Statistics1416
  第四章 社会统计 Society Statistics1418
  第一节 劳动工资统计 Labour Salary Statistics1418
  第二节 教育统计 Educational Statistics1423
  第三节 卫生统计 Health Statistics1427
  第四节 体育统计 Sports Statistics1428
  第五节 广播电视统计 Statistics in Boardcasting and Television1429
  第五章 统计普查 Statistics of General Survey1430
  第一节 人口普查 Census1430
  第二节 工业普查 General Survey of Industry1432
  第六章 统计资料整理与公布 Sorting out and publishing of the statistics Data1433
  第一节 统计资料编纂 Compilation of the Statistics Data1433
  第二节 统计资料分析报告 The Analytical Report of Statistics Data1433
  第三节 统计公报 Statistics Communique1434
  第七章 统计工具与人员培训 Statistics Tools and the Personnel to be trained1435
  第一节 统计工具 Statistics Tools1435
  第二节 统计人员培训 Statistics personnel to be Trained1435
  第八章 统计机构与队伍 Organization and Team of statistics1437
  第一章 抗日战争时期中共党人在焉耆区活动 The Communist Party Members of China had ever been Struggling in the Yun Qi Region During the Resistingwar Against Japan 1444
  第一节 宣传动员民众支援抗日 Propagan dizing and Mobilizing the Masses of People to Support The War of Resisting Against Japan1444
  第二节 调整税收减轻人民负担 Adjusting Tax and Reducing the Heavy Burden of the People1445
  第三节 兴办教育传播文化知识 Development of Education and Spreading the Cultural Knowledge 1445
  第二章 中共巴州地方组织 The Ba Zhou Localo organization of the Communist Party of China1447
  第一节 中共焉耆地委 Yan—Qi Prefectural committee of the CPC1447
  第二节 中共巴音郭楞州地委 Bayinggoleng Prefectural Committee of the CPC1447
  第三节 中共库尔勒地委 Kurle Prefectural Committee of the CPC1449
  第四节 县市党委 County(city)Party Committee of the CPC1450
  第五节 州级机关党委党组 Party Committee and Group in the Organization of Prefectural level 1452
  第六节 基层党委 Grass—Roots Party Committee1453
  第七节 党(总)支部 Branch(General)Party Committee1455
  第三章 中心工作 Central Work1456
  第一节 经济工作 Economic Work1456
  第二节 政治运动 The Important Events1458
  第三节 中央和自治区领导在巴州活动 Activities of Leaders of the Central and Autonomous Region in the Ba Zhou1460
  第四章 组织工作 Organization work1463
  第一节 党员干部管理 Adminsstration for the Cadres of Party Member1463
  第二节 党 员 Party Members1465
  第三节 党 费 Party Fees1467
  第四节 整 党 Consolidtion of the Party1467
  第五章 宣传工作 Propaganda Work1469
  第一节 中心工作宣传 Propaganda for Central Tasks1469
  第二节 党员干部教育 Education for the Cadres of Party Member1470
  第六章 统战工作 United Front Work1473
  第一节 统战对象 Objects of the united front1473
  第二节 统战活动 Activities of the United Front1475
  第七章 纪律检查 Discipline Inspection1477
  第一节 纪检委 Commission for Inspecting Discipline1477
  第二节 党纪教育 Education for Party Discipline1478
  第三节 违纪案件 Cases violating Party Discipline1479
  第八章 党的代表大会 The Party Congress1481
  第一节 中共巴音郭楞蒙古自治州第一次代表大会 The ist congress of the C P C In the Bayinggoleng Mongolian Autonomous prefecture1481
  第二节 中共巴音郭楞蒙古自治州第二次代表大会 The 2nd Congress of the C P C in the bayinggoleng Mongsliern Autonomous Prefecture1481
  第三节 中共巴音郭楞蒙古自治州第三次代表大会 The 3rd Congress of the C P C in the Bayinggoleng Mongolivan Autonomous prefecture1482
  第四节 中共巴音郭楞蒙古自治州第四次代表大会 The 4th Congress of the C P C in the Bayinggoleng Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture1482
  第五节 中共巴音郭楞蒙古自治州第五次代表大会 The 5th Congress of the C P C in the Bayinggoleng Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture1483
  第六节 中共库尔勒地区第一次代表大会 The First Congress of the C P C in the Kurle Region 1483
  第九章 农二师党的工作 Party Work of the second Agricutlural Division1485
  第一节 党的组织 Party Organization1485
  第二节 历届党代表大会 The Suecessive Party Congresses up to Now1485
  第三节 思想政治工作 Ideological and Political Work1487
  第四节 纪检工作 Work for Inspecting Discipline1488
  第五节 统战工作 United Front work1489
  第三十九卷 人民代表大会 THE PEOPLE'S CONGRESS
  第一章 各族各界人民代表会议 The People's Congress of all Nationalities and Circles 1494
  第二章 人民代表大会 The People's Congress1496
  第一节 巴州第一届人民代表大会 The 1st People's Congress of Ba—Zhou's1496
  第二节 巴州第二届人民代表大会 The 2nd People's Congress of Ba—Zhou's1496
  第三节 巴州第三届人民代表大会 The 3rd People's Congress of Ba—Zhou's1497
  第四节 巴州第四届人民代表大会 The 4th People's Congress of Ba—Zhou's1498
  第五节 巴州第五届人民代表大会 The 5th People's Congress of Ba—Zhou's1499
  第六节 自治州革命委员会 The Revolutionary Committee of the Autonomous Prefecture 1500
  第七节 巴州第七届人民代表大会 The 7th People's Congress of Bazhou1501
  第八节 巴州第八届人民代表大会 The 8th People's Congress of Bazhou1502
  第九节 县市人民代表大会 The County's(city)People's Congress1503
  第三章 人大常委会 Standing Committee of the People's Congress1504
  第一节 州人大常委会 Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Bazhou1504
  第二节 县市人大常委会 Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the County(city)1504
  第三节 人大常委会会议 Meetings of the Standing Committee of the peo—ple's Congress 1505
  第四节 人大常委会工作 Work of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress 1513
  第五节 人大常委会工作机构 Work Organization for the Standing Committee of the People's Congress 1516
  第四十卷 政 府 GOVERNMENT
  第一章 古代地方政权 Ancent Local Political Power1521
  第一节 鄯善国 Shan—Shan Kingdom1521
  第二节 焉耆国 Yan—Qi Kingdom1522
  第三节 安西回鹘汗国 Hui—He Khan Kingdom of An—Xi1523
  第二章 清代政权 Political Power of Qing Dynasty1525
  第一节 喀喇沙尔办事大臣 Carasal Minister of Qing Dynasty1525
  第二节 扎萨克制度 Zasak System1528
  第三节 盟长公署 Public office for the Chief of an Alliance1528
  第四节 伯克制度 Baik System1529
  第五节 喀喇沙尔直隶厅 Directly Subordinate Office of Carasal1529
  第六节 焉耆府 Yan—Qi Government Office1530
  第七节 基层政权组织 Organization of Gress Roots for political Power1530
  第三章 民国时期政权 Political Power in the period of the Republic of China1531
  第一节 焉耆道 Yan Qi dao(corresponding to a Prefecture)1531
  第二节 焉耆行政督察专员公署 Yan Qi Prefectural Commissioner's Office for superintending 1531
  第三节 基层政权组织 Organization of Grass Roots for Political Power1531
  第四章 中华人民共和国时期政权 Political Power in the Period of the People's Republic of China 1533
  第一节 焉耆专员公署 Yan Qi Prefectural Commissioner's Office1533
  第二节 库尔勒专员公署 Kurle Prefectural Commisser's office1533
  第三节 巴音郭楞蒙古自治区(州)人民政府 The People's Government of Ba—ying golen Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture1534
  第四节 基层政权 Organization of Gress—Roots for Political Power1535
  第五章 政务活动 Political Affairs1537
  第一节 政务决策 Policy Desision in Political Affaris1537
  第二节 行政监察 Administrative Control1539
  第六章 政 绩 Achievements in one's official Career1541
  第一节 经济建设 Economic Construction1541
  第二节 文化建设 Cultural Construction1545
  第一章 政治协商会议 The Political Consultative Conference1551
  第一节 政协巴州委员会 The CPPCC of Autonomous Prefecture1551
  第二节 县市政治协商会议 The CPPCC of Counties(cities)1557
  第二章 政协工作 Work of the CPPCC1559
  第一节 提案工作 Motions work1559
  第二节 民族宗教工作 Work for Nationality and Religion1559
  第三节 经济工作 Economic Work1560
  第四节 教科文卫工作 Work for Education Science Culture and Health1561
  第五节 文史资料工作 Work for Literary and Historical Materials1562
  第三章 协商工作 The Consultative work1563
  第一节 政务协商 Political Affaris Consultation1563
  第二节 经济协商 Economic Consultation1564
  第四章 政协委员活动 Activities of Members of The CPPCC1565
  第一节 学 习 Learning of Members1565
  第二节 视察工作 Inpecting work1566
  第三节 咨询服务 Consultative Service1567
  第一章 国民党地方组织 Kuomintang's Local Organization1571
  第一节 组织机构 Organizing1571
  第二节 党务活动 Pary Affairs1571
  第三节 国民党各县党部衰亡 Pary Department Decline1572
  第二章 民革地方组织 The Local Organizations of the Guomindang Revolutionary Committee 1573
  第一节 组织机构 Organizing1573
  第二节 民革成员 Members of the Guomindang Revolutionary Committee1574
  第三节 民革活动 Activities of the Guomindang Revolutionary Committee1574
  第三章 工人组织 Organization of Workers1575
  第一节 工会组织 Trade Union Organization1575
  第二节 工会会员 Members of the Trade Union1576
  第三节 工代会 Worker's Representative Assembly1576
  第四节 职工代表大会 Staff and Worker's Congress1577
  第五节 工会工作 Work of Trade Union1578
  第六节 农二师工会 The Trade Union of the second Agricultural Division1580
  第四章 青少年组织 Youngsters Organization1582
  第一节 共青团组织 Communist Youth League Organization1582
  第二节 团 员 League Members1583
  第三节 团代会 Youth League Member's Congress1584
  第四节 青少年工作 Ten—agers Work1586
  第五节 少先队组织 The Young Pioneers Organization1588
  第六节 农二师共青团工作 Communist Youth League work of the Second Agricultural Division 1590
  第五章 妇女组织 Women's Organization1591
  第一节 妇女联合会 Women's Federation1591
  第二节 妇女代表大会 Women's Representative Assembly1592
  第三节 妇女参政 Women's Participating in the Political Consultative Work1592
  第四节 妇女工作 Women's work1593
  第五节 农二师妇女工作 Women's work of the Second Agricultural Division1595
  第六章 农民组织 The Peasant Organization1596
  第七章 归国华侨组织 Organization of Returned Overseas Chinese1597
  第一节 巴州归国华侨联合会 Ba Zhou's Returmed Overseas Chinese Federation 1597
  第二节 农二师归国华侨联合会 Returned overseas Chinese of the Second Agricultural Division 1597
  第八章 反帝会 Anti Imperialist Federation1598
  第九章 哥老会 Ge Lao Federation(A Mass organization Against the Feudal Ruler in the old China)1599
  第四十三卷 军 事 MILITARY
  第一章 兵要地志 History of Important Place(special fortress)for Military1603
  第一节 战略地位 Strategical Position1603
  第二节 军事要地 Important place of Mititary1603
  第二章 驻 军 Stationed Troops1604
  第一节 汉至清代驻军 Stationed Troops From Han—Qing1604
  第二节 民国驻军 Stationed Troops in the period of the Republic of China1605
  第三节 驻州人民解放军和军事机构 The PLA Stationed in Ba—Zhou and Military Organization 1607
  第三章 兵 役 Military Service1611
  第一节 兵役制度 System of Military Service1611
  第二节 征兵退伍 Conscription and Demobilization1611
  第四章 民 兵Militia1613
  第一节 民兵组织 Militia Organization1613
  第二节 武器装备管理 Weapon Equipments Control1614
  第三节 民兵军事训练 Military Drills of Militia1614
  第四节 民兵事迹 Militia Deeds1615
  第五章 军政军民关系 Relation Between Army and Government and the Army and the People1616
  第一节 帮助地方建立民主政权 Help the local to Establish the Democratic Political Power 1616
  第二节 帮助地方进行减租反霸和土地改革 Help the Local to Reduce Rent and Anti—despots and Land Revolution1617
  第三节 支援地方建设 Support the Local Construction1617
  第四节 开展军民共建精神文明活动 The army and the Peeple Together to Establish the Spiritual Civilization 1618
  第六章 重大兵事 Impartant Military Event1619
  第一节 汉代兵事 Military Event in the Han—Dynasty1619
  第二节 魏晋唐兵事 Military Event in the Wei—Jing—Tang Dynasties1621
  第三节 明清兵事 Military Event in the Ming—Qing Dynasty1622
  第四节 民国兵事 Military Event in the Republic of China1623
  第五节 中华人民共和国时期兵事 Military Event of P L A1624
  第七章 人民防空 The People's Air Defence1627
  第一节 人防设施 The Equipments for the people's Air Defence1627
  第二节 工程管理 Engineering Control1629
  第三节 通讯警报 Communication and Alarm1630
  第四节 人防机构 Organization for the People's Air Defence1630
  第一章 警制沿革 Police System Evolution 1633
  第一节 清代和民国警制 The Police System of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China 1633
  第二节 人民公安 The People's Public Security1633
  第三节 驻州武装警察 The Armed police Stationed in Ba Zhou1634
  第二章 肃清反革命势力 Eliminate Counter—revolutionary force1635
  第一节 肃清土匪 Clear out Bandits1635
  第二节 镇压反革命 The Movement to Suppress Counter—revolutionaries1635
  第三章 治安管理 Public Security Control1637
  第一节 公共秩序管理 Public Order Control1637
  第二节 特种行业治安管理 Public Security Control for Special Trade1638
  第三节 危险物品管理 Dangerous Goods control1639
  第四章 预审与看守 Preparatory Trial and Guard1641
  第一节 预 审 Preparatory Trial1641
  第二节 看 守 Guard1642
  第五章 刑侦与严打 Investigating criminal and Directing Relentless Blows at the Criminals 1643
  第一节 刑 侦 Investigating criminals1643
  第二节 严厉打击严重刑事犯罪活动 Hit Hard at the Flagrant criminals1644
  第六章 内部保卫 Interior Safeguard1645
  第一节 治保组织 Public Security organization1645
  第二节 经济民警 People's Police of Economy1645
  第三节 林业保卫 Forestry Safeguard1646
  第七章 户 政 Houshold Management1647
  第一节 户籍管理 Houshold Register Control1647
  第二节 居民身份证 Identity Card of the Residents1647
  第八章 出入境管理 Control for Persons Coming in and Going out the Land1649
  第一节 中国公民出入境管理 Control for the Chinese citizens Coming in and Going out the Land 1649
  第二节 外国人入出境管理 Control for the Foreigners coming in and Going out the land1650
  第九章 交通管理与消防 Traffic Control and Fire—control1651
  第一节 交通管理 Traffic Control1651
  第二节 消 防 Fire Fighting1651
  第十章 农二师公安 Public security of the second Agricultural Division1653
  第一节 政治保卫 Political Safeguard1653
  第二节 治安管理 Public Security control1653
  第三节 户籍与消防管理 Control in Household Register and Fire—control1654
  第四节 群众治保工作 Work in Both public security and Safeguard for the Masses 1654
  第五节 人民武装警察部队 the People's Armed Police1655
  第四十五卷 审 判 BRING TO TRIAL
  第一章 审判机构 Judicial Organ 1659
  第一节 清代和民国时期审判机构 Judicial Organ in Qing—Dynasty and the Republic of China period 1659
  第二节 巴州中级人民法院 The People's Intermediate Court of Bazhou1659
  第三节 县市人民法院 The People's Court of County and City1660
  第四节 专门法院 the Special Court1661
  第二章 审判制度法典 Institutions System of Trial1662
  第一节 审判制度 Trial System1662
  第二节 卫拉特法典 Weilat Decree(Ancient Mongolian Law book)1663
  第三章 普通刑事案审判 Trial for General Criminal Case1664
  第一节 侵犯公民人身权与民主权罪审判 Bring to Trial in Infringing upon the Rights of person and Democratic Right1664
  第二节 侵犯财产罪审判 Bring to Trial for the Crime of Encroachment on property 1665
  第三节 危害公共安全罪审判 Bring to Triac for the crime of Jeopardizing Pubtic Security 1666
  第四节 妨害婚姻家庭罪审判 Bring to Trial for the crime of Impairing Ma—rriage and Famity 1666
  第四章 经济犯罪与反革命罪审判 Bring to Trial Both for of Economic and Counter—revolutionary Crimes1668
  第一节 经济犯罪审判 Trial for Economic crime1668
  第二节 反革命罪审判 Trial for Counter—revolutionery Crime1668
  第五章 民事审判 Bring to Trial for civil cases1670
  第一节 婚姻家庭案审判 Bring to Trial for the cases of Marriage and Family1670
  第二节 债务案与继承案审判 Bring to Trial for Debt and Inheritance1671
  第六章 经济纠纷与行政案件审判 Bring to trial for Both Cases of Economic Dispute and Administration 1672
  第一节 经济纠纷案审判 Bring to Trial for the case of Economic Dispute1672
  第二节 行政案件审判 Bring to Trial for the Case of Administration1672
  第七章案件复查与告诉申诉审判Case Check and Bring to Trial for Both of Suiting and Appealing1673
  第一节 案件复查 Case Check1673
  第二节 告诉申诉案件审判 Bring to Trial for Both cases of Suiting and Appealing 1673
  第八章 农二师审判工作 the trial work of the Second Agricultural Division1675
  第一节 刑事审判 Bring to Trial for criminals1675
  第二节 民事审判和经济审判Bring to trial for Both cases of Civil and Economy1675
  第三节 申诉复查 Appealing and checking1676
  第一章 检察机构 The procuratorial Organs 1679
  第一节 巴州检察院 Procuratorate of Bazhou1679
  第二节 县市检察院 The procurator of County and city1680
  第三节 专业检察院 Special Procurator1681
  第二章 刑事检察 Criminal procuratorial work1682
  第一节 审查批捕 Investigation Approval and Arrest1682
  第二节 审查起诉 Examination and Suit1684
  第三节 出庭公诉 Appearing in Court and Public Prosecution1685
  第四节 侦查监督 Reconrioitreing and Superviseing1686
  第五节 审判监督 Trial and Superviseing1687
  第三章 经济检察与法纪检察 Economical Procuratorial work and Discipline Procuratorial work 1688
  第一节 经济检察 Economic Procuratorial Work1688
  第二节 法纪检察 Law and discipline procuratorial Work1689
  第四章 监所检察与社改检察 Procuratorial Work in Both Prisons and Socialist Reform Movement 1692
  第一节 监所劳改检察 Procuratorial Work for Those in Prison Being Reformod Through Labour 1692
  第二节 “社改”检察 Procuratorial work in the socialist Reform1693
  第三节 劳教检察 Procuratorial work for Those Being Reformed Through Labour 1695
  第五章 来信来访与控告申诉 Letters From the people,Visits by the People and Charges and Appealings 1696
  第一节 来信来访 The letters From the people and Visits by the People1696
  第二节 控告申诉 Charge and Appealings1697
  第六章 农二师检察 Procuratorial work in the the second Agricultural Division1699
  第一节 刑事检察 Criminal Procuratorial work1699
  第二节 法纪检察 Law and Discipline Procuratorial work1699
  第三节 经济检察 Economical Procuratorial work1700
  第四节 劳改劳教检察 Procuratorial work for Both Groups for“Reform Through Labour and for Labour Education1700
  第五节 控告申诉检察 Procuratorial work for Both Charge and Appeal1700
  第一章 司法机构 Judicial Organs 1703
  第一节 巴州司法局 Judicial Bureau of Bazhou1703
  第二节 县市司法局 Judicial Bureau of the County and city1703
  第二章 律师公证 Lawyers and Notarizing1704
  第一节 律师管理 Administering of Lawyers1704
  第二节 律师业务 Lawyers'service1705
  第三节 公证人员管理 Notary control1706
  第四节 公证业务 Notarial service1706
  第三章 民事调解 Civil Mediation1708
  第一节 调解业务 Mediation service1708
  第二节 调解委员会 Mediation Committee1709
  第三节 司法助理员 Judicial Assistants1709
  第四节 法律服务所 Legal Agency1710
  第四章 法制教育 Legal System Eduction1711
  第一节 普法教育 Universal Laws Education1711
  第二节 司法干部培训 Judicial cadres to be Trained1712
  第五章 劳改劳教 Those for“Reform through Labour”And Those for Some Comp—ulsive Labour Education1714
  第一节 劳 改 Reform Through Labour1714
  第二节 劳 教 Labour Education1714
  第一章 支前优抚 Support the Front and Give special Care to Disabled Servicemen and to family members of Revolu Tionary Martyrs and Servicemen1719
  第一节 支援前线 Support the Front1719
  第二节 慰问服务 Gratitude Service1720
  第三节 过境部队供应 Supply the Troops That Pass by the Land1722
  第四节 优待补助 Special Treatment and Subsidy1723
  第五节 伤亡抚恤 Commiseration and Pension to the Dead and Wounded1726
  第六节 烈士褒扬 The Revolutionary Martyrs Honoured1730
  第二章 社会救济 Social Relief1733
  第一节 灾害救济 To Provide Relief to the people who suffered From disaster1733
  第二节 贫困救济 To Provide Relief to the poor1735
  第三节 特殊救济 Special Relief1737
  第四节 农村扶贫 Help the poor in the Rural Area1738
  第五节 农村扶贫救灾储金会 The Saving Society for Providing Consolling Subsidy to the poor and Relief to the Victims of Disaster in the Rural Area 1739
  第三章 社会福利 Social Welfare1740
  第一节 福利事业 Welfare Undertakings1740
  第二节 福利企业 Welfare Enlerprises1741
  第三节 五保供养 A Household Enjoying the Five Guarantees(Childless and Infirm old Persons who are Guaranteed of Food,Colthing Medical care,Housing and Burial Expenses)1741
  第四节 残疾人工作 Disabled persons's work1742
  第四章 安 置 Arrangement For some Special Persons1744
  第一节 退伍安置Proper Arrangements for the placment of the ex—serviceman 1744
  第二节 移民安置 Proper Arrangements have been made for the placement of the Migrates 1746
  第三节 支边青壮年安置 Proper Arrangements for the placement of the youths and Adults who had Supported Frontier1746
  第四节 城镇疏散人口及精简下放职工安置 Proper Arrangement for the Place—ment in Both Dispersing Poputation in Towns and the statf and workers Being Trans ferred to a Lower Level1747
  第五节 自流人员遣送与安置 Arrangement for or Sending Back of moving to this Region people come in the land Randomly1748
  第五章 婚姻殡葬社团 Marriage,Buryial and Mass Organizations1749
  第一节 婚姻登记 Marriage Register1749
  第二节 殡葬管理 Burial Management1750
  第三节 社会团体登记 Mass Organizations Register1751
  第六章 民政机构 The Organization of civil Administration1752
  第一节 州级机构 Prefectural level Organization1752
  第二节 县市级民政机构 The Organs of civil Administration in the level of County and city 1752
  第三节 区乡民政机构 The Organs of civil Administration in Both Levels of District and Country 1753
  第四十九卷 劳 动 LABOUR
  第一章 劳动管理 Labour Management 1757
  第一节 劳动就业 Employment1757
  第二节 职工队伍 The Staff and Workers1759
  第三节 职工调配 Deployment of Staff and Workers1760
  第四节 劳动争议仲裁 Arbitration for the Labour Disputes1761
  第二章 劳动力培训 Labour Force to be Trained1762
  第一节 就业前培训 Trained Befor Employment1762
  第二节 就业后培训 Trained Post Employment1764
  第三章 劳动工资 Wages1765
  第一节 工资管理 Wage Control1765
  第二节 工资水平 Wage Level1766
  第四章 劳动保险与福利 Labour Insurance and Welfare1768
  第一节 劳动保险 Labour Insurance1768
  第二节 生活福利 Living Welfare1769
  第五章 劳动保护 Labour protection1770
  第一节 劳动卫生 Labour sanitary1770
  第二节 保健食品 Health Protective Food1770
  第三节 劳动安全监察 Labour Superise for Safety1771
  第六章 农二师劳动管理 Labour manage of the second Agricultural Division1774
  第一节 劳动组织形式 Labour Organization1774
  第二节 劳动管理 Labour management1774
  第七章 劳动管理机构 Labour Administrative Organs1776
  第一章 干部管理 Cadres Control 1779
  第一节 干部录用 Cadres Employment1779
  第二节 聘用干部 Cadres Invitation1780
  第三节 干部任免 Cadres Appointment and Dismissing1780
  第四节 干部调配 Cadres Allocation1781
  第五节 军队转业干部安置 Proper Arrangements for the Placement of the Cadres Transferred From Army to civil work1782
  第六节 离退休干部管理 Proper Arrangement and Managemene for the Place—ment of the cadres leavin the Post or Retired manage1782
  第二章 专业技术干部 The Special Technical Cadres1784
  第一节 专业技术干部管理 Control the Special Technical cadres1784
  第二节 人才交流 The Talented Persons Exchange1784
  第三节 职称评定 Granting of Titles and Degrees Through Discussion1785
  第四节 大中专毕业生分配 National Distridution of Students Graduated From Universitien and Colleges 1787
  第三章 干部培训 Cadres Trained1788
  第四章 干部工资福利 Wages and Welfare for Cardres1790
  第一节 工资制度改革 Wages System Reform1790
  第二节 调资与工资水平 Wage Regulation and wage levels1791
  第三节 干部福利 Welfare for Cadres1791
  第五章 编制管理 Drganization1793
  第六章 农二师人事 Human Affairs of the Agricultural Division1794
  第一节 干部概况 A Surrey1794
  第二节 干部管理 Cadres Administration1794
  第三节 离退休干部安置 Proper Arrangements for the Placement of the cadres leaving the Post or Retired 1795
  第七章 人事编制管理机构 Administrative in Charge of the Personnel and Form—ation Work 1796
  第一节 人事管理机构 Prsonnel Administrative Organ1796
  第二节 编制管理机构 Administvative of the formation of Organs1796
  第五十一卷 教 育 EDUCATION
  第一章 小学及学前教育 Primary School and Preschool Edueation1800
  第一节 幼儿教育 Infant Education1800
  第二节 清代至民国时期民间教育和小学教育 The Primary Education in Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China 1801
  第三节 中华人民共和国小学教育 Primary Education of the People's Republic of China 1802
  第二章 中学教育 Middle School Education 1805
  第一节 城镇中学 Middle Schools in City and Town1805
  第二节 乡村中学 Middle Schools in the Village(or Country Side)1808
  第三章 中等专业教育 Secondary Technrcal School1810
  第一节 师范学校 The Normal school1810
  第二节 卫生学校 The Health School1812
  第三节 财贸学校 The Financial—Trade School1812
  第四节 农业学校 The Agricultural School1813
  第五节 农机校 The Agricultural Machinery School1814
  第四章 成人教育 Adult Education1815
  第一节 扫盲教育 Eliminating Illiterary Education1815
  第二节 在职职工教育 Education for Staff and Workers at Their posts1816
  第三节 电大教育 Education of TV University1817
  第四节 自学考试 Self—taught for College Level1818
  第五章 教师队伍 Teachers and Workers1819
  第一节 幼儿教师 Infant Teachers1819
  第二节 小学教师 Primary School Teachers1819
  第三节 中学教师 Middle School Teachers1820
  第四节 中专教师 Secondary school Teachers1821
  第六章 教育经费与设施 Educational Funds and Facilities1823
  第一节 教育经费 Educational Funds1823
  第二节 教育设施 Educational Faclities1823
  第七章 农二师教育 Eduation of the Second Agricultural Division1825
  第八章 教育管理机构 Educational Management Organs1826
  第五十二卷 文化艺术 CULTURE AND ARTS
  第一章 歌舞戏剧 Singing,Dancing and and plays 1829
  第一节 歌 舞 Singing and Danceing1829
  第二节 戏 剧 Plays1832
  第二章 电 影 Films1834
  第一节 电影发行放映业务 Issuing and Showing Service of the Movie1834
  第二节 电影机构与设施 Motion Picture Organs and its Equipments1836
  第三章 文学创作 Literary Creation1839
  第一节 小 说 Novels1839
  第二节 诗 歌 Poems and Songs1840
  第三节 散 文 Proses 1840
  第四节 文学刊物 Literary Publications1841
  第四章 美术书法摄影 Paintings,Calligraphy and photography1843
  第一节 美 术 Painting1843
  第二节 书 法 Calligraphy1844
  第三节 摄 影 Photography1844
  第五章 群众文化 Mass Culture1846
  第一节 民族传统文艺 National Traditional Literature and Art1846
  第二节 群众文艺汇演 Masses'Theatrical Festival1848
  第三节 群众文化机构 Masses'Cultural Organs1849
  第四节 培训业余文艺骨干 Amateur Literary and Art Core Members trained1850
  第六章 图书馆室 Library(Room)1851
  第一节 图书馆 Libraries1851
  第二节 图书室 Library rooms1852
  第七章 图书发行 Library Issue1853
  第八章 农二师文化艺术 Culture and Art of the Second Agricultural Division1855
  第一节 戏剧表演团体 Drama Performance Groups1855
  第二节 音乐歌舞 Music,Songs and Dancings1855
  第三节 电 影 Motion picture1856
  第四节 文学创作 Literary Creation1856
  第五节 美术书法摄影 Painting,Calligraplly and Photography1857
  第六节 群众文化 Masses'Coulture1857
  第九章 文化管理机构与队伍 Cutlural Management Orangs and ranks1859
  第一节 文化管理机构 Cultural Management Organs1859
  第二节 文化管理队伍 Cultural Management Team1859
  第一章 墓 葬 Graves 1863
  第一节 扎滚鲁克墓群 Zagunluk Graves1863
  第二节 察吾呼沟口墓群 Cha Wu Fu Kou Graves1866
  第三节 营盘墓葬 Ying Pan Graves1869
  第四节 铁板河墓地 Te Ban He Grave Site1871
  第五节 孔雀河古墓沟墓地 Gu Mo ou Grave Site1872
  第六节 其他墓葬 Others1873
  第二章 居住和佛寺遗址 Dwelling and Buddhist Temple's Relics1881
  第三章 古 城 Ancient Cities 1888
  第一节 汉代古城 The Ancient Cities in the Han Dynasty1888
  第二节 唐代古城 The Ancient Cities in the Tang Dynasty1890
  第三节 其他古城 The Others1892
  第四章 烽 燧 Beacon Tower1894
  第一节 汉至唐烽燧 The Beacon Towers from Han to Tang Dynasty1894
  第二节 其他烽燧 The Others1895
  第五章 古建筑与岩刻画 Ancient Architecture and Rock Arts1898
  第一节 古建筑 The Ancient Architecture1898
  第二节 岩刻画 The Rock Arts1900
  第六章 文物工作与机构 Rclic work and organs1903
  第一节 文物工作 Relic work1903
  第二节 文物机构 Relic organization1903
  第五十四卷 报 纸 NEWSPAPER
  第一章 报纸种类 Kinds of Newspaper 1907
  第一节 油印小报 Small Mimeograph Newspaper1907
  第二节 《库尔勒报》 “Kurle Newspaper”1907
  第三节 《巴音郭楞工作通讯》 “Bayinggoleng”1908
  第四节 《巴音郭楞报》 “Bayinggoleng Newspaper”1908
  第二章 采编业务 Covering and Compiling service1913
  第一节 记者编辑 Reporters and Editors1913
  第二节 通讯员和通讯刊物 Correspondents and Comunication Publications1914
  第三章 农二师报纸 The Newspaper of the second Agricultural Division1915
  第一节 《战鼓报》和农场小报 “War—Drum Newspaper”and small farm News—paper1915
  第二节 《绿原报》 “Lu—Yuan Newspaper”1915
  第三节 对外报道 Reports to Foreign Countries1915
  第一章 广 播 Broadcasting 1919
  第一节 有线广播 Rediffusion on Wire1919
  第二节 无线广播 Radio Broddcasting 1921
  第三节 广播节目 The Broadcating Programme1923
  第二章 电 视 Television1925
  第一节 电视台 TV Station1925
  第二节 电视节目 TV Programmes1927
  第三章 广播电视机构 Broadcasting and TV organs1929
  第一节 县市广播电视机构 Broadcasting and TV organs of county(city)Township(Commune)1929
  第二节 州广播电视机构 Broadcasting and TV Organs of Ba Zhou1929
  第三节 广播电视职工 Staff and workers in Broadcasting and TV1929
  第五十六卷 档 案 FILES
  第一章 档案管理 Files Control 1933
  第一节 档案储存 File Keeping1933
  第二节 立卷归档 To Put Upon Record1936
  第三节 档案业务指导 Guide to the File Keeping Work1938
  第二章 档案利用与检索 Full Utilization of Files and the check up Index1940
  第一节 档案利用 Files Utilization1940
  第二节 档案检索工具编制 Drawing up the Indexing Tools for Archives1941
  第三章 档案保管设施与经费 Facilities for Files Keeping and Funds Needed1943
  第一节 档案库房 The Archives1943
  第二节 档案装具 The File Holding Tools1944
  第三节 档案整理工具 The file Tools for Putting Things in Order1945
  第四节 档案经费 The File funds1945
  第四章 档案机构与队伍 File Organs and the Personnd1947
  第一节 档案机构 File Organs1947
  第二节 档案工作人员 File Team1948
  第五十七卷 卫 生 The Public Health
  第一章 蒙古族医药 Mongolian Medical Treatment and Madicine1951
  第一节 蒙 医 Mongolian Medical Treatment1951
  第二节 蒙 药 Mongolian Medicine1952
  第三节 术 疗 Surgical Operation Cure 1953
  第四节 泉 疗 Hot Spring Treatment1953
  第二章 医 疗 Medical Treatment1956
  第一节 城镇医疗 Medical Treatment in City and Town1956
  第二节 乡村医疗 Medical Treatment in Both Country Side and villages1959
  第三节 巡回医疗 Mobile Medicial Teams1961
  第三章 药品药材 Medicines and chemical reagents and Crude Drugs1963
  第一节 药材资源 Resources of Medicinal Material1963
  第二节 药品购销 Buying and Selling of Medicines and chemical Reagents1964
  第三节 药品生产 Production of Medicines and chemical Reagents1966
  第四节 药品检验 Inspection of Medicines and chemical Reagents1967
  第五节 药政管理 Medicinal Administrative Control1967
  第四章 传染病防治 The Prevention and cure of Infectious Diseases1970
  第一节 计划免疫 Immunity Planning1970
  第二节 天花与霍乱防治 The Prevention and cure of Smallpox and Cholera1972
  第三节 菌痢与白喉防治 The Prevention and cure of Amoebia Dysentery and Diphtheria 1973
  第四节 流脑与肝炎防治 The Prevention and cure of Epidemic Encephalitis B and Hepatitis 1974
  第五节 麻疹与出血热防治 The prevention and cure of measles and haemorr—hage heat symptom—compley 1975
  第六节 皮肤病与黑热病防治 The prevention and cure of skin disease and kala—azar 1976
  第五章 地方病防治 The prevention and cure of Endemic Disease1977
  第一节 地甲病防治 The Prevention and Cure of Di—Jia Disease1977
  第二节 布鲁氏菌病防治 The prevention and cure of prucellosis1977
  第三节 氟中毒防治 The prevention and cure of Fluorine Poisoning1978
  第四节 包虫病防治 The prevention and cure of Hydatid Disease1979
  第五节 鼠疫防治 The Prevention anc cure of the Plague1980
  第六章 卫生与保健 Health and Health Service1981
  第一节 爱国卫生运动 Patriotic Health Campaign1981
  第二节 劳动卫生 Labour Health1982
  第三节 学校卫生 School Health1983
  第四节 饮食卫生 Diet Health1984
  第五节 妇幼保健 Maternal and Child Hygiene1985
  第七章 医疗卫生设施 The Medical Health Facilities1987
  第一节 医疗卫生用房 The House Used for the Medical Health1987
  第二节 医疗设备 The Facilaties of Medical Health1988
  第三节 病 床 The Hospital beds 1989
  第四节 卫生防疫设备 The Facilities for the Epidemic Prevention of Health1990
  第八章 医疗卫生经费 The Funds for medical Treatment and Health1991
  第一节 医疗卫生事业费 The Exdense for Medical Treatment and Health1991
  第二节 公费医疗资金 The Funds for Free Medical service1992
  第九章 农二师医疗卫生 The Medical Survive and Health of the Second Agricultural Division1993
  第十章 卫生管理机构 Administrative Organs for Health Service1994
  第一节 卫生局(科) The Public Health Bureau1994
  第二节 防疫站 the sanitation and Anti—epi Anti—epidemic Station1994
  第三节 地病办与结核病防治所 The clinic of prevention and cure for The Endemic Diseases and Tuberculosis 1995
  第一章 体育成绩 Sports Results 1999
  第一节 田 径 Track and Field Sports1999
  第二节 球 类 All Kinds of Balls Match2008
  第三节 射击射箭航模Shooting and Archery and Model Ariplane Competition2022
  第四节 武术摔跤柔道拳击The Competion of Martial arts,wrestling Judo and Boxing 2025
  第五节 赛马赛骆驼自行车 Horse Race camel Race and Bicycle Race2028
  第六节 棋 类 Chesses Match2030
  第二章 群众体育 The Mass sports activities2033
  第一节 城镇群众体育 The Mass Sports Aclivities in Cities and Towns2033
  第二节 乡村群众体育The Mass Sports Actirities in Country side and villages2034
  第三节 群众体育组织 Sports Organs of the Masses2037
  第三章 学校体育 School Sports2038
  第一节 体育课 Physical Culture Education2038
  第二节 课外体育 The Sports out of class2039
  第三节 体育教师 The Teachers for Physical Training2040
  第四章 业余体校 The Amateur Sports school2041
  第一节 巴州业余体校 The Amateur Sports school of Ba—Zhou2041
  第二节 县市业余体校 The Amateur Sports School of the County and city2042
  第五章 教练员裁判员 Coaches and Judges2044
  第一节 教练员 The Coaches2044
  第二节 裁判员 The Judges 2045
  第六章 举办体育比赛 Sports Game Activities2048
  第一节 承办国家和自治区体育比赛 Undertaking Sports Activities of the State or the Autonomous Region 2048
  第二节 举办州(专区)体育运动会 Sports Games of the Prefecture2050
  第三节 举办县市体育比赛 Sports Game Activities in Counties or Cities2051
  第七章 体育设施与经费 Installation and Funds of Sports2053
  第一节 体育场馆 Sports Fields and Gyms2053
  第二节 体育器材 Sports Materials2053
  第三节 体育经费 Sports Funds2054
  第八章 体育管理机构与职工队伍 The Administrative Organs of Sports and Staff and workers 2055
  第一节 体育管理机构 The Administrative Organs of sports2055
  第二节 职工队伍 The ranks of Staff and Workers2055
  第五十九卷 人 物
  第一章 获省级以上表彰的先进人物 Advanced Workers Won Awards over Provincial 2059
  第一节 人物简介 Brief to Figure2059
  第二节 先进模范人物表 List of Advance Workers2061
  第二章 老红军 Old Red Army Soldiers2077
  第一节 老红军简介 Brief to Old Red Army Soldiers2077
  第二节 老红军名录表 Name List of Old Red Army Soldiers2079
  第三章 副州(师)级以上领导人物 Leaders Over Vice—division2081
  第一节 副州(师)级以上领导干部简介 Brief to Leaders Over Vice—division 2081
  第二节 副州(师)级以上领导人物表 Name List of Leaders Over Vice—division 2082
  第四章 副高级以上职称人物 Technical Personnels Over Vice—High Titles and Degrees 2101
  第一节 副高级以上职称人员简介 Brief to Technical Personnels Over Vice-High Titles and Degrees 2101
  第二节 副高级以上职称人员表 Name List of Technical Personnels Over Vice—High Titles and Degrees 2102
  第五章 人物传略 Figure Bioraphy2135
  第六章 塔里木探区石油勘探开发人物 Figures Taken Part in Tarim Petroleum Prospecting and Exploiting 2148
  第一节 塔里木探区石油勘探开发人物简介 Brief to Figures Taken Part in Tarim Petroleum Prospecting and Exploiting2148
  第二节 塔里木石油探区受省级以上表彰的先进模范人物表 List of Tarim Oil Fields Advanced Workers Won Awards Over Provincial2151
  第三节 塔里木石油探区副局级以上领导干部表 List of Tarim Oil Fields Leaders Over Vice—Bureau 2154
  第四节 塔里木石油探区副高级以上职称人员表 Name List of Tarim Oil Fields Technical Personnels Over Vice—High Titles and Degrees2156
  第六十卷 大事简录 Chronicle of Events
  第一章 汉至清代大事简录 Chronicle of Events From Han to Qing Dynasty2166
  第二章 民国时期大事简录 Chronicle of Events of the Republic of China2172
  第三章 中华人民共和国成立后大事简录 Chronicle of Events After the Founding of the People's Republic of China2175
  修志始末 The Course of Our Own Book's Compiling2196
  编后记 Postscript2198






《巴音郭楞蒙古自治州志》全面地记述了巴州的发展变化情况和前进的历程。本志记述了巴州独特的自然地理概貌、丰富的物产资源和浓郁的风土人情,显现了中国最大的自然保护区— —阿尔金山自然保护区、中国最大的高原天鹅湖自然保护区— —巴音布鲁克天鹅湖自然保护区、中国最大的胡杨林自然保护区— —塔里木胡杨森林自然保护区和中国最大的内陆淡水湖— —博斯腾湖神奇迷离的自然景色,展示了古“丝绸之路”楼兰故国的风貌和各族人民共同创造的灿烂文化。
