
知识类型: 图表
内容出处: 《天津经济技术开发区年鉴2008年》 图书
唯一号: 020221020230000908
图表名称: 优雅和经典的粤菜——采蝶轩中餐
起始页: D00010_00.pdf
结束页: D00010_00.pdf
图表类型: 照片
并列题名: Elegant and sophisticated Cantonese Cuisine Zen Chinese Cuisine
分类号: F719.3
关键词: 天津市 中餐 粤菜


Food is an essential element in the lifestyle and philosophy of Chinese culture. To eat well is to live well. With the quality and variety of what we eat reflecting our good fortune and the very essence of what enjoying the best of life is all about. No one understands this more than the people at Zen Chinese Restaurant. With these very fundamentals in mind the first Zen restaurant set out to capture the hearts of diners readily in London in the early 80's. Zen Chinese Restaurant's unrivalled growth and success in London is now legendary. From London to Gold Coast, Australia and to Zen flagship restaurant in Pacific Place, Hong Kong, Zen Chinese Restaurant offers only the finest and freshest ingredients available and apply uncompromising attention to care and detail in the cooking technique. Now you can enjoy the same experience of fine Chinese dining in an elegant and sophisticated setting in more than 10 cities all over the world. Come to one of the establishments in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Sanya, Shenzhen, and Mexico City, and see why the 〃Zen〃 name carries such an enviable reputation amongst diners around the world. In Tianjin, Zen Chinese Restaurant is located at the ground floor Holiday Inn Binhai Tianjin. At Zen you can find the very best in Cantonese Cuisine. 饮食是中国文化中生活品味的基本元素。吃的好就是生活的好。你的饮食的质量和品类反映出你的财运和所有精致生活享受的本质。没有人比采蝶轩中餐厅的人们更理解这一点了。本着这样特别的理念出发,第一家采蝶轩中餐厅于上个世纪八十年代在伦敦创立,并轻而易举地俘获了众多伦敦食客的心。采蝶轩中餐厅在伦敦的成长和兴旺简直是无法复制的现代传奇。从伦敦到澳大利亜黄金海岸以及亚太地区旗舰店所在的香港。采蝶轩中餐厅只提供可以利用的最棒的和最新鲜的原料,而且在烹饪技术方面毫不妥协和注意细节。现在你可以在10个以上的中国城市享受到同样的优雅和经典的中餐体验。香港、上海、北京、天津、三亚、深圳和墨西哥城都有分店。同时可以了解为什么“采蝶轩禅意”这个名字在世界范围内的食客中间享有如此高的声望。在天津,采蝶轩中餐厅坐落于天津滨海假日酒店的一层,在这里,你可以发现最佳的粤菜。







