内容出处: | 《瓜州文化遗产》 图书 |
唯一号: | 291920020220000325 |
颗粒名称: | 第二单元 塔尔寺遗址 |
分类号: | K878.3 |
页数: | 3 |
页码: | 91-93 |
摘要: | 遗址分布面积1.5万平方米,分为外围院落和内部寺院两部分。Ta’ er Temple is a large scale Budclliist temple of the city. The overall arrangement of the temple and the conical Buddhist Pagoda are the traces of Buddhism spreading in57the Hexi Coni dor during the Tang and Western Xia periofls. The temple, coveri ng ancuea of150,00square meters, has two courtyards, the outer anfl the internal?北墙宽约1米,残存墙基长125米,最高处2米。东墙仅残存南端的墙基痕迹,残存长35米,最高处仅1米左右。——址中心残存圆锥形大塔I座,用土坯砌成,白灰抹面,塔身上部为覆钵式结构,底径约11、残高约8.5?大塔北侧残存小塔10座。 |
关键词: | 塔尔寺 文化遗址 |