第二部分 遗产构成及价值

知识类型: 析出资源
内容出处: 《瓜州文化遗产》 图书
唯一号: 291920020220000323
颗粒名称: 第二部分 遗产构成及价值
分类号: G122
页数: 8
页码: 89-96
摘要: 至今日,城址的东、南、西面均留存有巨大面积的古垦区遗迹,同时古垦区的地表还留存有多条长距离、网状密布的古代灌溉渠系遗迹。塔尔寺遗址和规模庞大的墓葬群则从另一个侧面反映了人类在这个屯田绿洲城镇内的真实生活。
关键词: 专题介绍 遗产构成


  The Site of Suoyang City, a cultural heritage, comprising the city itself, Ta' er Temple, ancient reclamation, imgation canals and burial area as a whole, has the most intact preservation of large scale systems of military defense and imgation as well as a great variety of other cultural relics.It is a remarkable demonstration of human land use in the Hosi Comdor・ The traces of ancient imgation network formed with many canals and the vast reclaimed land distributed east, west and south of the City can be still seen now.The Ta' er Temple and large burial area are the witnesses to the real life that took place within the garrison-reclaimed town in oasis.The ruined city walls, many different kinds of cultural relics and their spatial relations well reflect that the City once sewed as a guarantee of safe锁阳城遗址申遗的基础工作55transpoilation across the long distance through the Silk Road.第一单元锁阳城城址锁阳城申遗纪实文字说明:锁阳城城址区包含内城、外城和外城西北角外两处堡子遗址。內城、外城平面均呈不规则方形。内城总面积28.5万平方米,城中有南北向隔墙将其分为东、西两部分。城墙墙体上有城门、瓮城、马面和角墩等设施。外城总面积48.1万平方米,西北部有一条东西向隔墙,将外城分为南北两部分。外城东、北两区距内城城墙20〜30米处建有一道小墙,俗称“羊马城”,是城市的又一道防御工事。两处堡子分布于外城西北,距外城西北角约80米处,平面均呈方形,夯土筑造。
  The Site of Suoyang City includes inner city and outer city, both in shape of an irregular square and2fortresses at the northwest corner out side of the outer city.The total area of the Inner City is285,000square meters, with a north-south partition wall dividing the city into the western and eastern parts.The city walls have gates, turrets, barbicans, salient(Mamian).The Outer City has a total area of481,000squai-e meters, with an east-west pailition wall in the nortliwest splitting the city into the northern and southern parts, between which a short wall called by lhe locals Yangmacheng, literally town of sheep and horse, actually was another defense facility of the City.The2fortresses, clay-rammed, both in shape of a square lie northwest of the Outer City and80m away from the northwest corner56of the City.The City, double walled, with Yangmacheng in between of the city walls, turrets, salient(Mamian)and barbicans formed a complete defense system.It reflects fully the characteristics of border city defense in the Hosi Conidor.Itis an outstanding example of security and defense systems built to serve the long distance journey under the harsh environmental condition.锁阳城遗址城墙、马面锁阳城遗址西北角墩锁阳城遗址内城北城门瓮城第二单元塔尔寺遗址文字说明:塔尔寺遗址为一处大型佛教寺院遗址,遗址以其寺院格局及锥形佛塔建筑展现了唐至西夏时期佛教在河西地区的传播。遗址分布面积1.5万平方米,分为外围院落和内部寺院两部分。
  Ta’ er Temple is a large scale Budclliist temple of the city.The overall arrangement of the temple and the conical Buddhist Pagoda are the traces of Buddhism spreading in57the Hexi Coni dor during the Tang and Western Xia periofls.The temple, coveri ng ancuea of150,00square meters, has two courtyards, the outer anfl the internal・1.塔尔寺遗址平面分布图 (1)外围院落 —-东西全长约175米,南北宽约126米,地上堆积层厚0.5〜2米不等。北墙宽约1米,残存墙基长125米,最高处2米。西墙宽约1米,残存墙基长约80米,最高处2米。南墙宽约1米,残存墙基长约130米,最高处约1.2米。夯土层厚0.1-0.12米。
  (2)内部寺院 ——呈南北向长方形布局,长85米、宽41米,3485平方米。自南向北沿中轴线依次建有:山门、大殿、大塔、小塔群。两侧有:西侧伙房(火庵)、东西钟鼓楼台基、东配殿(厢房)等组成。东院靠钟楼处有僧房5间等。
  2.塔尔寺中心大塔图片583、塔尔寺小塔群图片4、塔尔寺钟鼓楼台基图片第三单元古垦区及农业灌漑渠系文字说明:锁阳城城址的东、南、西面均留存有巨大面积的古垦区遗迹,古垦区的地表还留存有多条长距离、网状密布的古代较为完好的农业灌溉水利体系遗迹。灌溉渠系囊括疏浚工程、拦水坝、干渠、支渠、斗渠、毛渠等各项设施,仅干渠和支渠的长度约90公里,灌溉了锁阳城周边约60平方公里的“耕地”。这些类型丰富的遗迹与城址、寺院、墓葬群之间的空间关系, 很好地体现了在丝绸之路长距离的交通和交流过程中,锁阳城作为屯田绿59洲城镇为之提供的交通保障作用。同时,该区域的荒漠化是我国古绿洲沙漠化演进过程当中的典型标本,对于今天绿洲地区的开发建设及沙漠化的防治更具有重要的借鉴意义。
  The ruined city, in the east, south and west, preserves traces of vast land reclaimed in ancient times, on which an irrigation network of canals remains in intact condition.The irrigation system consists of dredging building, clam, major canals, branch canals, ditches and other facilities・ The major and branch canals, not including the small ditches, stretch for100kilometers in total, irrigating the "land" of over60square km surrounding the city・ The remains, rich in variety, such as ruined city, temple and burial area, together with the spatial relations among them reflect well that the purpose of the City built on the reclaimed land in oasis was to guarantee safe transportation and necessary supply under the harsh condition in the Silk Roads.It is also a typical specimen for study of the desertification of ancient oasis and a valuable reference for present-day oasis development and prevention of land degradalion.1.古垦区风蚀地貌图片602.古渠道特写图片3.分水闸烽燧图片4.拦水坝图片61第四单元锁阳城墓葬群文字说明:锁阳城墓葬群分布在锁阳城城址南侧、长山子北侧、南北宽5公里、东西长16公里的范围内。经过一千多年由长山子河口和碱泉子河口2处出水口的山洪冲刷,整个墓葬群被分为3片,现地表上可辨认的墓葬共计2157座。从现存遗迹和经清理的墓葬看,墓葬的时代为东汉、魏晋和唐代的遗存。墓葬形制可分为土穴墓、砂石洞墓、砖石墓和大型坑葬。
  The Burial Area lies south of the city, north of Changshanzi, spreading out over an area of north-south5km by east-west16km.It had been split for hundred years into3parts by the flood carried by rivers of Changshanzi and Jianquanzi・ There are in total2157tombs that can be traced or idenlified on ground・ The excavation at some of the tombs revealed that the Burial Area had been used from the Eastern Han(25-220AD)through the Wei-Jin (220-581AD )to the Tang Dynasty (618-907AD・ The tombs were macle of different building materials, such as earth, sandstone, brick-stone and large earth pit.1.锁阳城古墓葬区分布图(卫星影像)2.典型墓葬布局俯瞰图(航拍影像)3.典型墓葬:锁阳城1号墓。该墓葬属唐代时期的遗存,坐南向北,墓室使用砖石券砌,穹窿顶。抢救性清理发掘出土有三彩马、驼、俑、镇墓兽及墓室地砖、丝绸、瓷器、钱币等文物。该墓葬葬制规格高,随葬品造型逼真生动,堪称精品,承载了大量的历史信息,为丝绸之路繁盛的商贸活动提供了直接的佐证。




矗立于甘肃河西走廊西端的瓜州县,历史底蕴深厚饱满,文物遗迹遗 存灿若繁星。瓜州锁阳城遗址为世界文化遗产,榆林窟、东千佛洞等石窟 艺术享誉世界,隋、唐玉门关名重学界。瓜州是东汉大书法家“草圣”张 芝的故乡、唐代著名高僧玄奘大师讲经说法和西行取经的重要策源地、唐 代名将张守珪西征吐蕃大军的重要古战场。瓜州还是红西路军浴血河西走 廊最后一战的红色革命圣地。
