动词learn和study都可以译作“学习”。learn作“学到”,“学会”和“掌握”解,是指通过学习去获得知识或技能(to get knowledgeor shill)。一般多用于学习的初级阶段。如:
(1) It took me more than a yearto learn to draw a beautiful horsein five minutes.
(2) In one of his books, Marx ga-ve some advice on how to l earn a foreignlanguage.
study作“学习”解,含有“研究”的意思(to give timeand attention to learning or discoveringsomething) 。一般指比较深入地或正规地学习,通常带有努力学习的含义。如:
(1) He is studying medicine.他正在学习医学。
(2) In the 1870's, when Marx wasalready in his fifties, hefound it impor-tant to study the situation in Russia,sohe began to learn Russian.
promise little, but do much.少说多做。