(1)Kai-chiu Ng, Yong Huang eds., Dao Companion to ZHU Xi's Philosophy (Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020)
1.伍安祖(Ng, On-cho):朱熹的诠释学(Zhu Xi's Hermeneutics)
2.Don Wyatt!朱熹与先秦儒家(Zhu Xi and Pre-Qin Confucianism)
3.Don Wyatt:朱熹与汉唐儒生(Zhu Xi and the Han-Tang Confucians)
4.田浩(Hoyt Cleveland Tillman):朱熹与其同时代人物:张栻、吕祖谦、陈亮、陆九渊(Zhu Xi and his Contemporaries:Zhang Shi, Lü Zuqian, Chen Liang, and Lu Jiuyuan)
5.Stephen C. Angle 与 Justin Tiwald:道德心理学:心、性、与情(Moral Psychology: Heartmind (Xin), Nature (Xing) , and Emotions (Qing))
6.信广来(Shun, Kwong-loi):朱熹与一体观(Zhu Xi and the Idea of One Body)
7.倪培民(Ni, Peimin):道德修养:功夫一个人之修养(Moral Cultivation: Gongfu —— Cultivation of the Person)
8.Diana Arghirescu:道德修养:功夫一个人之修养(Zhu Xi's Ideal of Moral Politics: Theory and Practice)
9.司马黛兰(Deborah A. Sommer):朱熹的宗教哲学(Zhu Xi's Philosophy of Religion)
10.沈淸松(Vincent Shen):朱熹的批判性自然主义:其自然知识与哲学的方法论(Zhu Xi's Critical Naturalism: Methodology of His Natural Knowledge and Philosophy)
11.James D. Sellmann!朱熹与道教:论朱熹成圣理论与方法中内省的炼金术(Zhu Xi and Daoism: Investigation of Inner-Meditative Alchemy in Zhu Xi,s Theory and Method for the Attainment of Sagehood)
12.费乐仁(Lauren F. Pfister):朱熹与基督教(Zhu Xi and Christianity)
13.Donald L. Baker:朱熹与韩国哲学(Zhu Xi and Korean Philosophy)
14.Donald L. Baker:朱熹与西方哲学(Zhu Xi and Western Philosophy)
15.Eiho Baba:朱熹与日本哲学(Zhu Xi and Japanese Philosophy)16.Catherine Hudak Klancer:朱熹与自由主义/社区主义的论争:一个不完美的配对(Zhu Xi and the Liberalism/Communitarianism Debate: An Imperfect Fit)
17.刘纪璐(Liu,JeeLoo):朱熹规范的现实主义与内在道德现实主义(Zhu Xi's Normative Realism and Internal Moral Realism)
18.Kirill 〇. Thompson:朱熹的伦理理论:有关德性的思考与康德的相似性(Zhu Xi's Ethical Theory: Virtue Ethics Considerations and Kantian Parallels)
19.Justin Tiwald:朱熹论聚焦自我与他者的同理心(Zhu Xi on Self-Focused vs. Other-Focused Empathy)
(2)Diana Arghirescu,“Spiritual Discipline, Emotions, and Behavior during the Song Dynasty: Zhu Xi's and Qisong's Commentaries on the Zhongyong in Comparative Perspective,” Philosophy East & West 70,1 (2020):1-26.
(3)Diana Arghirescu,“Song Neo-Confucian Conceptions of Morality and Moral Sources (Zhu Xi) : Connections with Chan Buddhism,Journal of Chinese Philosophy 47. 3 - 4 (2020) : 193 - 212.
(4)Zhaokun Xin, “A Fatal Encounter: Anger, Ritual, and Righteousness in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms,Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 41 (2019): 1 - 24.
(5)Hoyt Tillman, “Chinese Responses to Max Weber's Study of Confucianism and Daoism: Yü Ying-shih as a Significant Example,Oriens Extremus 56 (2020) : 73 - 100.
(1)Ying-shih Yii, Charles Yim-tze Kwong tran. , The Religious Ethic and Mercantile Spirit in Early Modern China, edited and with an introduction by Hoyt Cleveland Tillman (New York: Columbia University Press, 2021).
(2) Hiu Yu Cheung, Empowered by Ancestors: Controversy over the Imperial Temple in Song China ( 960—1279 ) (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2021).