
知识类型: 析出资源
内容出处: 《中国造纸年鉴·2009》 图书
唯一号: 110120020230000469
颗粒名称: 国外开设制浆造纸专业的大学及其他机构
并列题名: Foreign universities and other organizations offering pulping and papermaking courses
分类号: F426.83
页数: 6
页码: 625-630
摘要: 本文列举了多个美洲地区与纸浆和造纸行业相关的大学、学院及其研究中心的官方网站链接。这些教育机构涵盖了从应用技术到化学工程的不同领域,提供了纸浆和造纸技术的教育与研究资源。学校包括Auburn University、Alabama Southern Community College、BaydeNoc Community College等,并分别提供了各自在纸浆和造纸技术方面的官方网页链接。此外,还提到了如Georgia Institute of Technology、McGill University Pulp & Paper Research Centre等知名机构,它们在纸浆和造纸行业的研究与教育方面有着显著的贡献。这些资源为对纸浆和造纸技术感兴趣的人士提供了丰富的学术资料和学习机会。
关键词: 造纸工业 造纸专业 机构


  Officialwebpage for the Pulp & Paper Research & Education
  Center atAuburnUniversity
  www.eng.auburn.edu/center/ pnp/pnp.htm
  Alabama Southern Community College
  Alabama, Center forForestry, Paper& Chem.Tech.
  BaydeNocCommunityCollege, PulpandPaperTechnology
  Dabney S.Lancaster Community College, Pulp and
  Forest Echoes Technical Institute, Associate in Applied
  SciencesDegrees - Pulpand PaperScience
  Kennebec Valley Technical College, Pulp and Paper
  Lower Columbia College, AssociateinAppliedSciences
  Degrees - Pulp andPaperManufacturingTechnology
  Universityof Idaho, DepartmentofChemicalEngineering
  UniversityofIowa, CenterfortheBookPapermalingFacility
  University of Massachusetts - Lowell, Department of
  Pulpand PaperChemicalTechnology
  Georgia Instituteof Technology
  Pulp & PaperEngg., Atlanta, Georgia, USA
  www.chemse.gatech.edu/ ~ pulpaper/
  InstituteofPaper Science and Technology (IPST)
  www.ipst edu
  Orono, Maine, USA- ChemicalEngineeringDept.
  McGillUniversityPulp & Paper Research Centre
  Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  PaperScience & Engg.Dept., Oxford, Ohio, USA
  McMaster University, Centre for Pulp & Paper
  Research, Canada
  University ofNewBrunswick, Dr JackMcKenzie Limerick
  Pulp and Paper Research and Education
  Centre, Canada
  Université duQuébeca Trois-Rivieres, CentredeRecherche
  enPâtesetPapiers , Canada
  University ofMinnesota
  Mississippi, USA- Dept.ofForestry,
  University ofNewYork
  Syracuse, NewYork, USA- Paper Science & Engineering
  www.esf.edu/ faculty/ pse/
  North Carolina StateUniversity
  Raleigh, North Carolina, USA - College of Forest Resources
  University ofBritish Columbia Pulp & Paper Centre
  University ofQuebec
  University ofTexasCelluloseElectronicNetwork
  www.botany.utexas.edu/ infores/cen/ intro/
  University ofToronto
  Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Pulp & Paper Centre
  www.chem-eng.toronto.edu/ ~pphome/
  Universityof NewBrunswick, Fredericton, NewBrunswick
  , LimerickPulpand PaperCentre
  http: / /www.unb.ca/
  McMasterUniversity, Hamilton, Ontario
  http: / /www.mcmaster.ca/
  Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada,
  Montreal, QC
  http: / /www.paprican.ca/wps/portal/paprican? lang
  = en
  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity
  University ofWashington
  Seattle, Washington, USA- CollegeofForestResources
  British Columbia Institute of Technology, Chemical
  SciencesTechnology, Canada
  Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA - Dept.of Paper Science
  & Engineering
  University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, Paper ScienceDepartment
  http: //www.uwsp.edu/papersci/
  2100 MainStreetStevensPoint,
  WI54481-3897 - Phone: 715-346-0123
  webmaster@ uwsp.edu
  WestShoreCommunityCollege, PulpandPaperTechnology
  (prog. )
  University ofGuadalajara,
  http:/ /www.physlink.com/ Directories/Departments/
  showdept cfm? ID=1027
  undFasertechnik (IPZ),Austria
  Institute ofChemicalTechnology
  Pardubice,Czech Republic
  www.upce.cz/upce/ fcht/fchtdwpp.htm
  University of Pardubice,DepartmentWood,Pulp and
  Czech Repulic
  www.upce.cz/ ~kdcp
  University of Sopron, Institute of Wood and Paper
  www.efe.hu/english_ page/ doc9.htm
  Technische Universit?t Dresden, Lehrstuhl füir Papiertechnik
  Universit?t Hamburg, Ordinariat für
  FH München,Verfahrenstechnik Papier - Kunststof ,
  Papierzentrum Gernsbach,Germany
  Technical University of Darmstadt Institute of
  Paper Technology
  pix.ifp.maschinenbau.th-darmstadt.de/ eifp.html
  EcoleFr ancaisedePapeterieet desIndustriesGraphiques
  Institut National Polytechnique,Ecole Francaise de
  Papeterie etdesIndustriesGraphiques (EFPG),France
  French Pulp & Paper Research Institute (CTP)
  University of Sopron,Institute of Wood and Paper
  www.efe.hu/ english_ page
  Finish Pulp & Paper Research Institute
  ?boAkadeni University,LaboratoryofPaperChemistry,
  www.abo.fi/ fak/ktf/ pap/
  Helsinli UniversityofTechnology,DepartmentofForestProductsTechnology,
  sun3.oulu.f/ ~pomek/research.htm
  Karlstad University,DivisionforChemistry ,Sweden
  KTH - Royal Institute of Technology,Department of
  Pulp andPaperChemistryandTechnology,Sweden
  www.pmt.kth. se/
  Link?ping University,Link?ping Institute of Technology,
  Lund University,Center for Chemistry and Chemical
  Lule? UniversityofTechnology,DepartmentofChemical
  www.km luth.se/
  Mid SwedenUniversity,DepartmentofNaturalandEnvironmental
  Sciences (engl. ),Sweden
  InstituteofPaperMaking& PaperMachine,TechnicalUniv.
  wipos.p.lodz.pl/ paper/
  Dept ofPaper Science,UMIST
  www.umist ac.uk/ ~mcfsspst/
  Paper Industry Research Association (PIRA)International
  Pulp & Paper FundamentalResearch Society (FRC)
  Bury College,CoursesinPaperTechnology,UK
  www.burycollege.ac.uk/about/facilities/ paper.asp
  UMIST - University of Manchester Institute of Science
  and Technology, Department of Paper
  TechnicalUniversityofCatalonia,Department ofTextile
  andPaperEngineering,Papelera yGráfica,Spain
  www.upc.es/etp/ pagll.htm
  www.campusterrassa.upc.es/depart/ etp
  Pulp and Paper Institute Ljubljana,Education Centre,
  www. icp-lj.si/ ic.htm
  www.kjemi.unit.no/ ~stmoe/paper/index.html
  UniversityofTasmania,PulpandPaperResearch, Australia
  Pulp & Paper Research Organisation (PAPRO)of New
  University ofAuckland,
  & Papercourses,NewZealand
  www.ndeva.auckland.ac.nz/ndeva/course_ catalog/ uofak/
  College ofForestScience,KangwonNationalUniversity,
  http:/ /www.kangwon.ac.kr/ english/
  http:/ /www.chungbuk.ac.kr/ index.jsp
  http://www.tsukuba.ac.jp eng/edu_ college.html
  Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute,Japan
  P.O.BOX 16 ,Tsukuba Norin Kenkyu-danchi,Ibaraki,
  305-8687 ,Japan
  http:/ / ss.fpri.affrc.go.jp/index.html
  Graduate school of Agricultural and Life Sciences,The
  http:/ /www.a.u-tokyo.ac.jp/english/ index.html
  Indian InstituteofTechnologyRoorkee,
  www. rurkiu.erenrt.in/
  www. iitr.enet. in/ acads/depts/ ipt
  Asian Institute ofTechnology (AIT),
  Pulp andPaperTechnology,Thailand







