
知识类型: 析出资源
内容出处: 《中国造纸年鉴.2008》 图书
唯一号: 110120020230000323
颗粒名称: 附录
页数: 18
页码: 503-520


  Import and export of main wooden products in China 2007
  在我国林业全力构建 “三大体系 ”的总体态势下,2007年我国主要木质林产品生产和对外贸易继续高速增长。全国木材产量6976.65万米3比天保工程实施前的1997年的木材产量还高出581.86万米3,为历史最高水平,国内木材供给能力显著增强。在对外贸易中,2007年木质林产品(包括原木、锯材、单板、人造板、木片、枕木、木浆、纸和纸板、废纸、纸制品、木家具)进出口贸易总额为442.33亿美元,比2006年增长22.03%,其中,林产品进口219.24亿美元,出口223.09亿美元。
  表1 2007年全国木质类产品产量
  原木 2007年进口3709.08万米3,进口额53.51亿美元,分别比2006年增长15.48%和36.30%,其中针叶材进口2321.75万米3,阔叶材进口1387.33万米3。
  锯材 2007年进口655.78万米3,进口额17.75亿美元,比2006年分别增长6.58%和4.54%,其中针叶锯材进口285.90万米3,比2006年增长30.33%,阔叶材进口369.88万米3,比2006年减少6.95%。进口量前5位贸易伙伴的份额是:俄罗斯24.77%、美国16.37%、泰国10.59%、加拿大10.29%、马来西亚4.73%。
  单板 2007年进口9.76万吨,比2006年减少2.83%,进口额1.35亿美元,比2006年增长14.86%,其中针叶单板进口0.32万米3,阔叶单板进口9.44万米3。进口前5位贸易伙伴的份额是:美国41.08%、中国台湾9.84%、德国9.20%、马来西亚7.41%、巴西4.31%。
  人造板 2007年人造板进口4.48亿美元,比2006年减少9.69%。其中胶合板、纤维板进口额分别为1.70亿美元和1.69亿美元,分别比2006年下降了13.59%和13.69%,刨花板进口额1.06亿美元,比2006年增长4.54%;2007年胶合板、纤维板和刨花板分别进口30.60万米3、43.59万吨和34.12万吨。
  木片 2007年我国进口木片117.98万吨,进口额1.61亿美元,分别比2006年增长27.86%和31.97%。木浆2007年进口木浆845万吨,进口额55.36亿美元,分别比2006年增长了6.16%和26.02%。
  纸和纸板 2007年纸和纸板进口401万吨,比2006年减少9.07%,进口额35.5亿美元,比2006年增长了0.37%。进口的前5位贸易伙伴保有约60%的市场份额,依次是:中国台湾16.28%、美国14.97%、韩国11.38%、日本9.49%、瑞典2.48%。
  纸制品 2007年纸制品进口19万吨,比2006年增加了11.76%,进口额7.01亿美元,比2006年增加了22.74%。
  废纸 2007年进口废纸2256万吨,进口额40.43亿美元,比2006年分别增长14.98%和47.09%,进口平均价格179.19美元/吨,比2006年提高27.93%。进口前5位贸易伙伴集中了近80%的市场份额,依次为:美国38.25%、日本13.87%、中国香港11.08%、英国9.00%、荷兰7.00%。
  木家具 2007年木家具进口246.87万件,进口额2.20亿美元,分别比2006年增长91.36%和87.42%。进口中各主要洲的市场份额依次为:欧洲69.19%、亚洲23.57%、北美洲7.10%。2007年我国木材类产品进口情况见表2。
  图1 2007年木质林产品进口结构
  表2 2007年我国木材类产品进口情况
  图2 2007年全国木质林产品出口结构
  表3 2007年我国木材类产品出口情况
  Foreign universities and other organizations offering pulping and papermaking courses
  Auburn University
  Offi cial webpage for the Pulp & Paper Research &
  Education Center at Auburn University
  www.eng.auburn.edu/center/pnp/pnp .htm
  Alabama Southern Community College
  Alabama , Center for Forestry , Paper & Chem.Tech.
  www .ascc .ed u/foresttech.html
  Bay de Noc Community College , Pulp and Paper
  www.haydenoc .cc .mi.us/
  Dabney S.Lancaster Community College ,
  Pulp and Paper Technology
  www.dl.cc .us/
  Forest Echoes Technical Institute , Associate in
  Applied Sciences Degrees -Pulp and Paper Science
  Kennebec Valley Technical College , Pulp and Paper
  Technology Program
  www.kvtc .net/
  Lower Columbia College , Associate in Applied
  Sciences Degrees -Pulp and Paper Manufacturing
  www.lcc .ctc .edu/programs/degrees.xtm# applied
  University of Idaho , Department of Chemical
  University of Iowa , Center for the Book Pape -rmaking Facility
  University of Massachusetts-Lowell , Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering www.uml.edu/
  Fox Valley Technical College
  Pulp and Paper Chemical Technology
  www.foxvalley.tec .wi.us/prog/pulp .htm
  Georgia Institute of Technology
  Pulp & Paper Engg., Atlanta , Georgia , USA
  www.chemse .gatech .edu/~ pulpaper/
  Institute of Paper Science and Technology (IPST )
  Univ.of Maine
  Orono , Maine , USA -Chemical Engineering Dept.
  www.umecheme .maine .edu/che/
  McGill University Pulp & Paper Research Centre
  Montreal , Quebec , Canada
  Miami University
  Paper Science & Engg.Dept., Oxford , Ohio , USA
  www.sas .muohio.edu/pps/
  McMaster University , Centre for Pulp & Paper
  Research , Canada
  University of New Brunswick , Dr Jack McKenzie
  Limerick Pulp and Paper Research and Education
  Centre , Canada
  Universit é du Qu ébec a Trois -Rivi eres ,
  Centre de Recherche en P| tes et Papiers , Canada
  University of Minnesota
  Department of Bio-based Products
  Mississippi State University
  Mississippi , USA-Dept.of Forestry ,
  www .cfr.msstate .edu/forestry/main.htm
  University of New York
  Syracuse , New York , USA-Paper Science & Engineeri g www.esf.edu/faculty/pse/
  North Carolina State University
  Raleigh , North Ca ro lina , USA-College of Forest Resources
  University of British Columbia Pulp & Paper Centre
  www.ppc.ubc .ca
  University of Quebec www.crpp0001.uqtr .uquebec.ca
  University of Texas Cellulose Electronic Network
  www.botany.utexas .edu/infores/cert/intro/
  University of Toronto Toronto , Ontario , Canada-Pulp & Paper Centre
  www.chem-eng.toronto.edu/~ pphome/
  University of New Brunswick , Fredericton , New Brunswick , Limerick Pulp and Paper Centre
  http : //www.unb .ca/
  McMaster University , Hamilton , Ontario
  http : //www.mcmaster.ca/
  Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada , Montreal , QC
  http : //www.paprican.ca/wps/portal/paprican?lang= en
  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  www.vtwood .forprod .vt.edu/
  University of Washington Sea t
  le , Washington , USA-College of Forest Resources www.cfr.washington.edu/cfrhome .html
  British Columbia Institute of Technology , Chemical Sciences Technology , Canada www.bcit.ca/
  Western Michigan University
  Kalamazoo , Michigan , USA-Dept.of Paper Science
  & Engineering
  www.wmich .edu/ppse/
  University of Wisconsin -Stevens Point , Paper Science Department
  http : //www.uwsp .edu/papersci/
  2100Main Street Stevens Point , WI54481-3897-Phone :715-346-0123
  webmaster@ uwsp .edu
  West Shore Community College , Pulp and Paper
  Technology (p rog .)
  www.westshore .cc .mi.us/
  University of Guadalajara ,
  Departamento de Madera , Celulosa y Papel , Mexico
  www.dmcyp .cucei.udg.mx/
  Federal Universityof Vicosa, vicosa, MG36571-000, Brazil
  http: //www.physlink.com/Directories/Departments/showdept.cfm?ID=1027
  Technische Universit| t Graz, Institut für Papier-,
  Zelstof-und Fasertechnik (IPZ), Austria
  Institute of Chemical Technology Pardubice , Czech Republic www.upce .cz/upce/fcht/fchtdwpp .htm
  University of Pardubice , Department Wood , Pulp and Paper , Czech Repulic www.upce .cz/~ kdcp
  University of Sopron , Institute of Wood and Paper Technology , Hungary
  www.efe .hu/english_ page/doc9.htm
  Technische Universit | t Darmstadt , Fachgebiet
  Nachwachsende Rohstof e (MACNAR ), Germanywww .tu-dar mstadt.de/
  Technische Universit | t Dresden , Lehrstuhl f ür
  Papiertechnik (LPT ), Germany
  www.tu-dresden .de/
  Universit| t Hamburg , Ordinariat fü r Holztechnologie ,
  FH M ü nchen , Verfahrenstechnik Papier-Kunststof ,
  Papiererzeugung , Germany
  www.th -muenchen.de/
  Papierzentrum Gernsbach , Ger any
  www.papiermacherzentrum .de/
  Technical University of Darmstadt Institute of Paper Technology
  pix.ifp .maschinenbau .th-darmstadt.de/eifp .html
  Ecole Francaise de Papeterie et des Industries G raphiques France
  Institut National Polytechnique , Ecole Fran | aise de Papeterie et des Industries Graphiques (EFPG ), France
  French Pulp & Paper Research Institute (C T P )
  Cedex , France
  www.ctp .inpg.fr
  University of Sopron , Institute of
  Wood and Paper Technology , Hungary
  www.efe.hu/english_ page
  Finish Pulp & Paper Research Institute
  Espoo, Finland www.kcl.fi
  Abo Akademi University, Laboratory of Paper Chemistry, Finland www.abo.fi/fak/ktf/pap/
  Helsinki University of Technology, Department
  of Forest Products Technology , Espoo , Finland
  University of Jyv| skyl| , Department of Chemistry-Laboratory of Applied Chemistry , Finland www.jyu .fi/index.shtml
  Lappeenranta University of Technology , Department of Chemical Technology , Finland www.lut.fi/
  University of Oulu , Department of Process and Environmental Engineering , Finland sun3.oulu .fi/~ pomek/research .htm
  Tampere University of Technology , Paper Converting Institute , Tampere , Finland www.tut.fi/units/ymp/pap/index.htm
  Faculty of Forestry , Univ.of Joensuu Joensuu , Finland www.joensuu.fi/forestry/frindex.html
  Kungl Tekniska Hogskolan Sweden
  www.mmt.kth .se/SHB_ ENG/3Deng.htm
  Skog Forsk , Forestry Research Institute of Sweden Uppasala , Sweden www.skogforsk.se/eng/xdefault.htm
  Dept ., of Forest Product , Swedish Univ .of Agricultural Sciences Uppsala , Sweden www.vl.slu .se/eng/indexeng.htm
  Swedish Pulp & Paper Research Institute Stockholm , Sweden www.stfi.se/default.htm
  Chalmers University of Technology , Department of
  Forest Products and Chemical Engineering , Sweden
  www.chalmers .se/
  Karlstad University , Division for Chemistry , Sweden
  www.kau .se/
  www .chamistry.kau .se/
  KH -Royal Institute of Technology , Department ofPulp and Paper Chemistry and Technology , Sweden www.kth .se/
  Link | ping University , Link | ping Institute of
  Technology , Sweden www.liu .se/
  www.lith .liu .se/
  Lund University , Center for Chemistry and Chemical
  Engineering , Sweden www.lu.se/
  www.kc .lu .se/
  Lule | University of Technology , Department of
  Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering , Sweden www.luth .se/
  Mid Sweden University , Department of Natural and
  Environmental Sciences (engl.), Sweden www.mh .se/
  www.ntm .mh .se/
  Institute of Paper Making & Paper Machine,
  Technical Univ.of Lodz
  Dept.of Paper Science, UMIST
  Manchester, UK
  Institute of Packaging
  Institute of Paper
  Surrey, UK
  Paper Industry Research Association (PIRA)
  Surrey, UK
  Pulp & Paper Fundamental Research Society
  (FRC )
  www.ppfrs .org.uk/
  Bury College , Courses in Paper Technology , UK
  www.burycollege .ac .uk/about/facilities/paper .asp
  UM IST -University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology , Department of Paper Science , UK www.umist.ac .uk/
  Manchester , UK
  www.manchester.ac .uk/
  Technical University of Catalonia , Department of Textile and Paper Engineering , Papeleray Gr áfica , Sp a in
  www.upc .es/etp/Pagll .htm
  Pulp and Paper Institute Ijubljana , Education Centre , Slovenia
  www.icp-lj .si/ic .htm
  Slovak University Of Technology In Bratislava ,
  Department of Chemical Technology of Wood ,
  Pulp and Paper , Slovakia
  www.stuba .sk/
  www.chtf.stuba .sk/kdcp
  St.Petersburg State Technological University ofPulp and Paper Industry (engl.), Russia www.informnika.ru/eng/spravl/rz22e/136e57.html
  “Gh.Asachi” Technical University of Iasi,Pulp, Paper and Fibres Technology(engl.), Romania
  Universiy of TrondheimNorwaywww.kjemi.unit.no/~ stmoe/paper/index.htrnl
  NTNU -Norwegian University of Science and Tech nology , Department of Chemical Engineering ,
  www.ntnu .no/
  www .chemeng.ntnu .no/research/# paper
  Australian Pulp and Paper Institute
  Aust alian P & P Institute , Dept.of Chem .Engg.,
  Monash Univ.
  Clayton , Australia
  www.eng.monash .edu .au/chemeng/appi.html
  University of Tasmania , Pulp and Paper Research ,
  www.utas .edu.au/
  www.chem.utas .edu .au/students/finnegan/paphome .htmnl
  Pulp & Paper Research Organisation (PAPRO )of New Zealand , New Zealand www.papro.co.nz
  University of Auckland ,
  Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering ,
  Pulp & P ap er courses , New Zealand
  www.auckland .ac .nz/
  www.ndeva .auckland .ac .nz/ndeva/course_ catalog/uofak/pulpandpapert echnololgy.htm
  College of Forest Science, Kangwon National
  University,192-1, Hyojadong, Chunchoen,
  South Korea
  http: //www.kangwon.ac.kr/english/
  School of Forest Resources, Chungbuk National
  University, Cheongju361-763, SouthKorea
  http: //www.chungbuk.ac.kr/index.jsp
  University of Tsukuba , Tsukuba , Ibaraki ,
  305-8572, Japan
  http : //www.tsukuba .ac .jp/eng/edu_colege .html
  Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute , Japan P.O.BOX16, Tsukuba Norin Kenkyu danchi , Ibaraki ,305-8687, Japan
  http : //ss .ffpri.affrc .go.jp/index.html
  Graduate school of Agricultural and Life Sciences ,
  The University of Tokyo , Japan http : //www.a.u-tokyo.ac .jp/english/index.html
  Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee ,
   Institute of Paper Technology , India
  www.rurkiu.erenrt .in/
  www.iitr .ernet.in/acads/depts/ipt
  Asian Institute of Technology (AIT ),
  Pulp and Paper Technology , Thailand
  Name list of advanced groups , and model workers of Light Industry (paper ) inthecountry2007
  李懋仕 北京凸版资讯信息纸有限公司生产部副经理
  邹从标 保定钞票纸厂厂长
  郑延民 延边石岘白麓纸业股份有限公司副总经理
  毛来 上海开伦造纸印刷集团有限公司董事长、总经理
  符纪文 镇江金河纸业有限公司分厂厂长
  柴敬民 民丰特种纸股份有限公司工程师
  陈克武 安徽山鹰纸业股份有限公司部门经理
  柯文托 福建优兰发集团实业有限公司总经理
  黄海鸣 泉州贵格纸业有限公司技术员
  张金杰 福建省青山纸业股份有限公司纸板事业部副经理
  林延生 邵武中竹纸业有限责任公司副总经理
  高晓明 福建铙山纸业集团有限公司董事长、总经理、党委书记
  周志强 萍乡市造纸厂总工程师
  高德武 山东亚太森博浆纸有限公司副董事长
  杨吉慧 山东泉林纸业有限责任公司副总经理
  李峰山 东晨鸣纸业集团股份有限公司销售经理
  李学峰 山东齐峰集团有限公司总工程师
  杨松贺 漯河银鸽实业集团有限公司董事长
  徐远梅 湖南泰格林纸集团有限责任公司制浆工程指挥长
  毛国新 湖南泰格林纸集团有限责任公司项目总指挥长
  黄振标 广西桂糖(集团)股份有限公司董事长
  韦良斌 广西南宁凤凰纸业有限公司分厂厂长
  蔡尚武 南宁糖业股份有限公司分厂厂长
  陈栋谚 广西贺达纸业有限责任公司副经理
  邓军 武海南金海浆纸业有限公司课长
  孙骏 重庆造纸工业研究设计院有限责任公司教授级高工
  朱文全 四川省眉山丰华纸业有限公司车间主任
  孙延聪 云南云景林纸股份有限公司工程师
  张东红 宁夏紫荆花纸业有限公司总工程师
  刘崇喜 中冶美利纸业集团有限公司林纸公司董事长中国轻工业出版社造纸工业图书出版目录
  Contents of books published by China Light Industry Press
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